First Baby Sonogram Pictures

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The next day, after having yet another meeting with Lauren's lawyers, and meeting Niall's lawyer friend from India.

Camila and Lauren begin saying goodbye to them as they gather their things.

"Thank you again, Mr. Kumar," Lauren says.

"Please, call me Sahil. I jumped at the chance when Niall called me to be a part of your lawyer team for the divorce trial and I will be a part of your team as well for the custody trial," Sahil says.

"You jumped at the chance, why?" Lauren asks.

"If I'm being honest, if I win this for you. If I get you something bigger than Katherine will be getting, I can finally spread out internationally. Your big, Mrs. Jauregui and everyone knows you," Sahil says.

"I respect that you're being honest," Lauren says. She places a hand on his shoulder. "But it's not just you, it's going to be a team win with Diego and Camille," Lauren says.

"Yes, of course, sorry," Sahil says, accent semi-heavy.

"You guys are dismissed. I'll see you at the trial," Lauren says.

Sahil shakes Lauren's hand, Camille kisses Lauren on the cheek, and Diego hugs Lauren before they all leave her office, closing the doors behind them.

"Well, time to go," Lauren turns to Camila.

The brunette hums in agreement and goes around Lauren's desk as she turns the CEO chair to face her.

"Can I sit, mi amor? I'm very tired of standing up," Camila says.

Lauren glares at Camila and plants her hands on the wooden surface of her desk. "Not on the CEO chair," She says.

"Why? I'm going to be your wife, you're going to let me make decisions at Jauregui Finances," Camila says.

"But we're not there yet. So what do I get in return?" Lauren raises an eyebrow.

"We can return here after everyone leaves, make the setting romantic in this office, and you can fuck me on top of your desk," Camila winks at her.

"I have been waiting to fuck you on top of my desk," Lauren says.

"Well, now is your chance. Take it or leave it," Camila says.

"Take it. Now sit," Lauren says.

"Gladly," Camila smiles.

She makes a dramatic show of pretending that she has been in meetings all day and is tired and just wants to take a seat for at least a few seconds before going to another.

Camila leans back against the soft cushion that provides wonders of comfort.

"Oh, this seat is so nice," The brunette hums.

"Camila," Lauren says firmly, "Don't make those noises around me. They drive me insane."

"Oh, baby, I know," Camila leans forward.

"Let's go, we'll be late," Lauren says.

"Next time we have a meeting here, can I sit in the chair?" Camila asks.

"I'll think about it," Lauren says.

Camila stands up and presses a quick kiss on Lauren's lips as she makes her way toward the office doors after grabbing her bag.

Lauren follows after the brunette as she closes the door behind her.

"Hey, going to the doctor's appointment?" Lucy asks.

"Yep, we're going to ask her if we can get a DNA test on the baby now and she's giving me a checkup. Possibly our first baby sonogram pictures," Camila says.

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