D5. Critical Hit

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Later the boys met together by their lockers. Griffin warned them about what Ms. Clydesdale had said and Derek shook his head in wonder. "Everyone's lost their fucking minds."

"Seems that way," Griffin agreed, "but until it blows over we're gonna have to keep our games on the down low."

"So when we gonna play next? Friday?"

"I can't Friday," Cobi confessed. "My Dad's taking us to the Cubs game. How about Saturday?"

"I've got my date Saturday, remember?" Griffin pointed out.

"And besides, I thought we were crashing graduation parties Saturday," Derek reminded.

"Oh yeah," Cobi confirmed. "So I guess no D&D this weekend."

"I guess not," Derek admitted.

"So how we gonna make it to seventh level?" Cobi worried.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out," Griffin assured him.

"What about you," Derek asked Tony.

"What about me?" answered Tony.

"You crashing parties with us or what? Donna's having a two-kegger."

"No can do," Tony lamented. "Grounded, remember?"

"Can't you sneak out just for like a couple hours?" Derek pressured.

"Not this time," Tony said firmly. "Parental units are completely out of their minds."

Derek briefly frowned and then smiled. "That's okay, more chicks for us right Cobi?" He high-fived Cobi and then pointed at Toby and Griffin. "You losers are gonna be sorry."

"Somehow I doubt that," prophesied Griffin as he rolled his eyes. He felt a sudden jolt as Kenny strode by with his linemen friends and body-checked him into the lockers. "I guess I rolled a twenty!" Kenny laughed as he watched Griffin's books go flying out of his hands.

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