F4. Sharing the Wealth

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Back in the cell, the fat cop returned. He gave Malcolm and Tito a disapproving glare.

"Whattayou want?" challenged Malcolm.

"We ain't done nothing'," protested Tito, expecting some kind of reprimand.

"I'm not here for that," grumbled the cop, as he reached for a retractable chain clipped to his belt.

"Then what you here for?" asked a clearly suspicious Malcolm.

"I'm here to let you go," the unhappy cop replied. He inserted the key into the lock and swung open the jail cell's door. "Derek Hamilton posted your bail."

"Oh hell yeah!" exclaimed Tito.

"I told you Derek Hamilton was all right. He all right!" All smiles, Malcolm and Tito began sauntering out of the cell.

"Just don't miss your court date," the cop warned, "so I can put you right back in here."

"Hear something?" mocked Tito, putting his hand to his ear.

"I don't hear nothin', dawg," replied Malcolm. "Just some fat squealing pig."

"I'm warning you..." growled the cop.

Malcolm and Tito put up their hands, gesturing their innocence. "You don't gotta worry, dawg, you ain't never gonna see us again," Malcolm promised.

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