• chapter 4 •

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Swoosh! Aonung falls to the ground . He comes up, running back to Sho'Loa. He punches his repeatedly.
Neteyam comes out his den.
"Aonung! What are you doing?" Neteyam screams.
"Fuck you!," he says, shrieking at Sho'Loa. Neteyam pulls Aonung off Sho'Loa, looking at his eyes.
"We can talk about this later, Aonung." He picks up Sho'Loa and carrie's him to his den. Aonung sighs.


TIME : 10:46 AM

Aonung is tired. Tired of putting people first. Tired of being ignored. But he was especially tired of making Neteyam feel despair. How could he make someone he loves so much feel terrible? It made his stomach twist and turn. He decided to go and apologize to Sho'Loa. He found him swimming with Neteyam. He walked up to him.
"Aonung. Don't hit hi-..," Neteyam insists, but Aonung silenced him.
"Sho'Loa, I want to apologize. The whole reason why i hated you is because I thought that Neteyam was yours. I've gotten jealous. And it's fine, you can have Neteyam. I just want to let you know i'm sorry." Sho'Loa sighs, looking down to his feet with a grin lit on his face.
"It's fine. I-.. " he says, almost laughing.
"Aonung, I have a girlfriend in the forest. I just came here to visit Neteyam and Lo'ak." Aonung facial expression changed.
"I'm actually leaving tomorrow. Neteyam, leave for a second." Neteyam walks away.
"Look, Aonung. Neteyam likes you. A lot. He has been talking about you for a while now. I think that you seem like a great person, but if you ruin my bestfriends life, I will kill you. Neteyam is my only true friend, and if you such as do anything to hurt him, I'll kill you. But really, he does like you. He even told me he had gotten jealous of your relashionship with a guy names Roto..?" Aonung laughed.
"Roxto. Thank you for letting me know, Sho'Loa. I really like him." Neytiri walks up to the two of them.
pretend as if this were in na'vi
"Sho'Loa, why do yoh have bruises on your eye?" Sho'Loa shakes his head, showing Neytiri of doesnt matter.
"Well son, you have to leave early. Your mother and father, as well as your ikran are over there," Neytiri says, lining to the corner of her left, where the forest part of the reef starts. Shi'Loa nods. Once he has his shla'pi, bag made of leaves ready, he goes to hug Neteyam.
"I'll see you soon, Teyam." He goes up to Aonung. To Aonungs surprise, he hugs him too.
"Remember Aonung, i'll kill you." Aonung laughs until he notices that Sho'Loa is being serious.

Hours later, Aonung goes up to Neteyam.
"Hey Teyam."
"H-..Hi Aonu-..Nung."
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said, I just didn't want to loose you. I actually believed that Sho'Loa liked you."
"I know Nung. You will never loose me, as I am yours." Aonung stares into Neteyams eyes, seeing his future with him.
" I believe you. Come." Neteyam brings Aonung back to Aonungs secret island.
"You remembered where it is?"
"Of course i did." They walk.
"Neteyam.. I love you.
"I-.. I think I love you. I'm not ready to find out yet."
"Well then, think about it." He grabs onto Neteyams hand, giggling.
"Aonung, stop!," he says, covering his mouth to laugh. Aonungs glare tensed.
"Say it again."
"My name. Say it again."
"Oh Neteyam, you don't know what you mean to me."
"W-..What? Don't be silly!" Aonung laughs, leaning on closer. And then finally,
it happens.
Aonung breathes heaving, kissing Neteyam.
"A-..Ao.." Aonung continues kissing Neteyam, his soft lips finally meeting his. His tongue slid into his mouth, entering like a baby on its first steps. Aonung's big hands on Neteyams small waist, he moves in towards, causing Neteyam to fall backwards. He gets on top of him, one leg on one side and the other on the other side, kissing Neteyam repeatedly.
When they were done, Aonung assured Neteyam,
"Teyam, take your time. If your not ready to announce what we are, I respect and trust that. But always remember that I love you," he says, grabbing onto Neteyams hand.

So that was it.
Months passed by with Neteyam .. dating Aonung? He had assured Aonung many times that he had feelings for him, and it was true, but he wasnt ready for a relationship. So, Aonung repeated the same thing.
"Think about it my love. Think about it until you are sure what you want to be with me. I'll respect any answer. I'll always be yours, and yours only."

Whenever his friends tried to make fun of the Sullys, Aonung would silence them, leaving them speechless.

But what will this lead them to?

Short story! Hope you guys like it!  I have decided that I will put smut, so remember that they are aged up in this book! This will also be very detailed smut. For the ones who aren't too fond about smit, i'll put a warning for when it starts and when it ends.

762 words!

starting this:
which movie was better, Avatar or Avatar the Way of Water?


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