• time to show off! •

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this chapter has smut in it sorry ‼️⚠️ if your sensitive reading smut yoh can skip this chapter or i'll give a warning before and after the smut! guys pls remember in this story they are aged but for some reason it still feels a bit wrong. also shoutout to my friend bc they wrote the smut parts for me (i can't write smut for my life 😭)

"Babe.." Aonung says, walking to Neteyam .
"Wanna go to our 'special place' tonight?"
"Hm. Su-Actually, no. How about we go somewhere different. I know just the place." Aonung nods.

It was finally time to meet up. Neteyam and Aonung looked at each-other from their distance and signaled to meet up. Neteyam said bye to Spider and giggled while running to Aonung.
"Hey, Nung."
"Hey Teyam. How about we go on your ikran since you know where the place is."
"Yeah, sure." Aonung stands and watches Neteyam do his calling with his eyes closed, admiring his beauty. The ikran flies to them.
"Aonung, how many times have i told you not to look in her eyes?"
"Sorry, sorry."
"Get on Nung. Wanna hold my from my back?"
"How about I go front, you control my arms." Neteyam nods. They fly there, Neteyam fixing each and every problem  Aonung does, and laughs at him whenever he does something cluelessly.
"Shut it! I didn't do this to you when you were learning the ilu!" Neteyam covered his mouth to stop laughing. Silence begun to fill the air.
"I-..I love you."
"I love you too," Neteyam replies, smiling.
Neteyam smiles bright once again, revealing his dimples.
"It's there, Nung!" He points at a forest looking island. They get down.
"Follow me," he says, his tail wagging. He grabs his hand and leads him inside of the forest.
"Loo-.." Neteyam says, until he's interrupted by Aonung pinning him against a flat tree he had seen. He kissed his neck, leaving hickeys, while Neteyam laughed and had his hand on the back of 'Nungs' head.
"Damn, Nung. You've been waiting for me, huh?"
"Mmhmm." Neteyam smiles, and Aonung finally kisses him on his lips. Neteyam grasped onto his hips. Aonung grabs Neteyams legs and puts them around his hips. Neteyam laughs, almost wheezing. He starts to begin to realize where Aonungs going with here, and he goes along. He grabs his braid and so does Aonung, bonding once again. Both of them squealed at the feeling of the bond. Neteyam begins to pull Aonungs hair down, it flowing to its side. Aonung let go of the kiss he was holding.
"You're so beautiful, Nung," he said, kissing him once again. Aonung chuckled, letting Neteyam go. He brought him down to the floor, and kissed his whole body while Neteyam smiled.  He finally started kissing his lower abdomen when Neteyam flipped him over.
⚠️ smut warning
"Damn Teyam, you've gotten good."
"Mmhmm.." He climbed on top of Aonung. Aonung laughs and by-accidentally touches his tail, which makes him bend over even though his body was already sitting on him.
"Ngh..! S-Stop!"
"Oh, you're 'sensitive' there?" Neteyam nodded, his eyes closed. He went back to what he was doing until Aonung did it again, for a longer time now.
"Agh! Ngh..! S-stop it Nung, i'm s-..sensitive!"
"You don't seem sensitive," he said, sarcastically. He kept touching it while Neteyam kept bending over, making Aonung top again. Loud moans escaped him mouth.
"S-..Stop it N-..Nung! S-..Agh..!"
"You sound so beautiful when you make those noises, Teyam." He kept caressing his tail, making him groan.
"N-..Nung, i'm serious! A-Agh..!" Aonung finally stopped and flip him back up, and sat on his lap. He grabbed Neteyams tail and started to kiss him passionately. He began to caress it again.
"W-Wait! Nung, Stop! I'm going to get my loincloth dirty!"
"Can i take it off?" Neteyam smiled. He shaked his head. Aonung went down and untied it with his sharp teeth.
"Yeah, just.. give me a second."
"Does it hurt you..?"
"No, it's just very.."
"I know."
"I'm ready."
"Are you sure? Neteyam nodded. Aonung laughed to himself.
"I wanna hear it."
"I'm ready."
"Ready for what?"
"I'm ready for you to mate with me, Nung."
"So straightforward, nothing like my old Neteyam. I dig it."
"Just hurry up, Nung!" He nodded back. He began to wrap his hand against the back of Neteyams neck, and grabbed Neteyams tail.
"Ah..!" he moaned. Aonung started touching the tail everywhere, as it swinged around.
"Do you want me to go faster?" Neteyam nodded.
"Say it."
"Go faster."
"Say it correctly." Neteyam sighed and rolled his eyes while smiling.
"Please go faster on me, Nung." Aonung went more rapid on his tail as Neteyam moaned in his ears, which already turned him on. Neteyam felt the bulge in Aonungs loincloth.
"S-..Stop, Nung," he said seriously.
"What happened?"
"I want to 'please' you first."
"It's fine, Nung. Get up." Aonung stood up, expecting for Neteyam to get up aswell until he noticed what was about to go down. He got up, and kissed him, going down a trail of kisses from his neck to his groin, and looked up at him as Aonung thought he was still pecking him on his stomach. Without Aonung knowing, he kissed at Aonungs abs and gently removed his loincloth and began to start to go down after. He finally kissed the right above of Aonungs member.  He went even more down and licked Aonungs tip making him squeal and finally get his attention to what Neteyam was really doing.
"Ah! Fuck..!" Neteyam opened his mouth and made an entrance for Aonungs (yk). He began to bob his head up and down as Aonung also pushed his head back and forth, to help him.  Aonung let out loud moans.
"N-..Neteyam!" Neteyam made sure to keep looking up at Aonung.
"I'm so close, Teyam!" Finally, Aonung emerged a thick layer of white into Neteyams mouth. Aonung pulled up his loincloth.
"Lets go ba-.."
"Uh no, we aren't leaving yet, Teyam. Don't think i forgot about your spot," he said, pulling Neteyam back with his tail.
"Agh!" he moan-screams.
"Go down, Teyam.  He does as Aonung wishes.
"Sit down here and let your pretty face rest on my shoulders, Teyam."
"Good. Now just stay here for me, okay? You ready?"
"Yes.. I'm ready." He grabs Neteyams wagging tail, and rubs around it as Neteyam moans in his ears.
"Try to be quiet for me, babe." Neteyam pants heavily as an attempt to control his sounds and nods. Aonung strokes the tail again, and Neteyam tries to stay quiet once again by breathing heavily.
"If you have to be loud, be loud. I want to see how much you can handle." Neteyam nodded. He slowly sucked on his neck, leaving faint hickeys. He grabbed his lovers tail and ran his fingers everywhere as Neteyam arched his back and moaned, but kept his hand over his mouth and tried to stop. When he finally managed to handle it, Aonung looked at him straight i'm the eye and rubbed the tail repeatedly back and forth, faster and harder than before. He tries to cover his mouth but he can't anymore.
"Ah..! Aonung..!" Aonung looked at him straight in the eye.
"Im s-so close!"Aonung smiled and went faster. He paused for a second.
"Each moan, each arch, and each time you scream my name i'll go faster." Neteyam shaked his head. He started again and Neteyam by-accidentally moaned. He went faster.
"F-Fuck, Aonung!"
"Double, i'll go two times faster, Teyam." He arched his
back, his legs shaking and his eyes rolling back.
"3 times faster, Teyam."
"Ah..! Ngh..! A-Aonu-Agh..!"
"You went faster by 4, Teyam."
"K-Keep g-going..! Fuck, i'm s-so close!" He went faster, and faster, brushing his fingers everywhere, giving him hickeys.
"F-Fuck!" Neteyam let out the thick coat of his substance out.
"T-..That was.. Amazing." Aonung smiled.


"How about we stay here tonight?" Neteyam nodded his head.
"I love you," Aonung said.
"I love you too. It feels so right now, i feel like i can have free ability to just mate with you whenever, with no problems. I feel free with you. Like the sky people will never come back. I.. I love you." Now that these two were together, it would have a great outcome. Two reigns of two regions, a reign of the forest, and a reign of the sea is a big dominance.
"Lets sleep, Teyam."
"Alright, Nung. I love you so much."
"I love you so much more."
They fell asleep on the ground with leads surrounding them, knowing there was so need to worry if their parents got mad because both of them accepted their bonding, and the other ones won't be coming back soon.

Next morning, as an early bird, Neteyam woke up at 6:35 and told Aonung to come even though he was half asleep.
"Hold on to me, babe." Aonung nodded.
"Nung, actually do it! You can die, i don't care if you're sleepy, hold on to me." Aonung grabbed him.
"Harder!" Aonung grasped him again.
"Remind you of anything?"
"Shut up, Nung," Neteyam said, trying not to laugh and the dirty joke. They flew back and saw Spider. Aonung sighed.
"Isn't that your friend..?"
"How come he gets to live with you and not me?"
"Ask your mother tha-wait. Are you jealous?"
"Well, a bit.. What if you touch eachother behind my back?"
"Me and Spider? Never." Aonung nodded.
"Babe, it's fine, don't worry."

"We're here, Nung, let me carry you to your marui."
"I'm too heav-.." Aonung says, when he's interrupted by Neteyam literally grabbing him with one arm. He was in shock but didn't complain because he was already too lazy to walk anyways. He dropped him off and walked back to his marui where he saw Spider reading a comic Norm had brought him.
"So, what did you guys do last night?," he said, smiling.
"Well, I got railed and you didn't!," he said, laughing at Spider.

guys remember they are aged up, i still feel kind of bad though i don't even know why.

- 1676 words!

-loverwtoh3k's creation

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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