• chapter 5 •

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TIME : 10:38 PM

Neteyams is riding his ilu. He sighs. A tear falls down his face. His heart is hit like a billet to his chest.
"W-..why eywa? Why!," he says, holding his hand over his chest shrieking, rocking back on forth. Aonung spots Neteyam grieving, and instantly calls his ilu, rushing to Neteyam.
"Teyam! What's going on??!"
"I need to go home!" He starts to panick, not being able to breathe.
"Calm down Teyam! Breathe Teyam!"
"I need to go home!" Aonung calls out to everyone else. Lo'ak springs to call his ilu. Tsireya had already been swimming, so she had gotten there quicker.
Tsireya put her hand over his chest.
"He's having a panick attack!" Lo'ak finally arrived.
"Big bro! Please, calm down! You're making me worried." Aonung began to cry, resting his palm on the side of Neteyams face.
"Lo'ak, get your parents! We can bring him to the shore. Aonung! Let his rest on your ilu!" Aonung nods. Neteyam, still crying, gasping for air, rests on Aonung ilu, shrieking while resting his hand on his chest. He kept rapidly breathing in and out. They finally got to shore. Kiri can running, pushing everyone to the side. She had even managed to push Aonung away so hard that he had fell.
"Get off! Neteyam, it's okay!" She grabbed her ouch from the forest, filled with herbs that she keeps for her siblings. She pulled one out that was meant for panick attacks. She opened his mouth, and made Neteyam swallow the herb. Neteyams breath slowed down, his pupils dismaying and his ears shifting back up.
"B-..Brother! What happened!," Tuk gasps, finally getting to the action.
"I-..I dont know." Kiri cries. Lo'ak comes up to them, until he notices that Neteyam also has a pouch. He instantly realizes what happened. He opens the ouch. It's filled with all the petals of a poisonous leaf that he had eaten back in the forest in attemp to end his life. He begins to sob.
"Why, brother!" Kiri looks at Lo'ak, pulling his hand towards her to see what was in her arm. Her glare softens. She pulls up Neteyam, hugging him. Neteyam cries. Tsireya lowers her head. Aonung runs through the crowd.
"D-..Did he take them?" Kiri nods. He doesn't exactly cry, but he just shows disappointment. Not in Neteyam, but in himself for not being successful in keeping Neteyam happy.
"I'm so sorry, Teyam." He picks him up, and brings him to his den, his marui.

Hours later, Norm comes in.
"He'll have to keep low for a while. He cannot risk death." Jake nods.
"You can return to the forest now, Norm. Thank you so much." Neytiri bends down to kneel to Neteyam, as he lay down unconscious once again. Aonung had still been holding his hand.
"My son! Oh my baby, why would you do this! I-.. I cant live without you! My children are my world!" Jake sobs as well.
"I've failed you, son." Aonung cries. Neteyam opens his eyes.
"H-..Hi mom.."
"Hello, my sweet child," she says, smiling at Neteyam, still in pain.
"Can I leave with Aonung, I want to be alone with him." Neytiri looks back at Jake. He nods. Neteyam makes clear eye contact with Aonung. He lifts Neteyam up, his light, tiny body against his.
"W-..Why? Why would you do this Neteyam." Neteyams finally manages to get up, arching his back and curling his legs.
"I don't know. I'm just homesick. I thought that if I would've died, I could've gone to my home." Aonung sighs, leaning in to hug Neteyam.
"I understand, my love."
"Ao-..," he says, interrupted to Aonungs sweet lips colliding with his.
"Aonung, I won't be needing to do that again."
"Why not."
"I can't be homesick if your my home. And I belong to you." Aonung doesn't hesitate to kiss Neteyam, feeling his tongue wrap with his. His big hands slide down his waist.
"Aonung.. We can't.. I'm in recovery." Aonung nods, still hugging Neteyam.
"Let me know when you are ready.." Neteyam wraps his hands around Aonungs head, feeling his soft, silky hair.


Neteyam was once again himself, energetic and playful. He's sleeping in his marui until he hears a familiar voice.
"Teyam, you woke up pretty late today." Neteyam laughs.
"How are you feeling?"
"Good.. Better."
"Do you feel down to go to fore-..," he wanted to say forest, until he was interrupted to the thought of Neteyam getting more of the petals from the forest.
"The island?" Neteyam nodded back, smiling.

On their way, Neteyam asks Aonung a question.
"How much do you really love me?" Aonung laughs to himself, looking down.
"I prefer having each of my limbs being torn into half one by one than see your tears falling to the ground. As my body may be repaired but your heart never will be," he says, finally arriving to the shore of the island, leaving Neteyam silenced.
"No one will ever understand me like how you do, Nung," he says leaning in for a kiss. Once again, as usual, Aonungs waist glide down Neteyams waist, but except this time, Neteyam begins to arch his back.

REMINDER — they are aged up!

Aonung begins to breath heavily, allowing his hands to move in all directions. Neteyam whimpers, which drives Aonung to another level. He carefully places Neteyam down to the grown, pinning him. He begins to feel his member hardening (this is so akward pls but hear me out. and please remember they are aged up!)
Neteyams thighs tremble.
"Are you sure you're ready? We can always do this when you feel like it's right.."
"N-..No. I'm ready," Neteyam said, his stomach twisting and turning.
"Are you sure this is what you wa-.." he says, interrupted by Neteyam.
"Just g-..go!"

Smut ended early bc y'all really thought I wanna gonna do it so soon 💀


1021 words !


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