• how are you even awake ? •

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"Is he awake?" Neteyams eyes open to see a group of people surrounding him.
"My eywa! The miracle child is awake!" Aonung runs up to Neteyams helpless body.
"N-..N-...." Neteyam breaths heavily while looking into Aonungs eyes as he stutters.
"Neteyam.. You're awake." He smiles at his mate. Neteyam does not do the same back. He tries to get up but ends up falling on Aonung.
"Careful, Neteyam."
"Get off me, Aonung!" He finally gains his strength, and runs back to what used to be his marui.
"Get away!"
"I said go away!" Aonung stays standing.
"Neteyam, I do not care if you don't love me anymore. But i love you, and i don't care what my parents say. I'm not going to mate with anyone but you!" Neteyam turns his head so that he doesn't have to see Aonungs beautiful face.
"But if you really do not love me, just tell me now," Aonung insisted, while walking to where Neteyam sat. Neteyam still kept his head turned.
"Neteyam, tell me." Instead of cussing at Aonung or pushing him away, he got on his knees, and hugged him.
"It was terrible, Aonung! It hurt!"
"What did, Teyam?"
"I died!," Neteyam replied, sobbing.
"I could feel my heart being stabbed!" Aonung hugged him, running his fingers through his hair.
"It's okay, Teyam. I'm right here," he said, soothing Neteyam as he sobbed on his shoulder.
"What is it, Teyam?"
"I do, love you. And i'm so so happy to be your mate." Aonung sighs while smiling in relief.
"I love you too."
"Can we just lay here, for a while?" Aonung nods. They take a nap for a bit.

Hours later, Aonung and Neteyam finally wake up.
"Wake up, Teyam. They want to give you some food." Neteyam nods.
"You coming?" Aonung shakes his head.
"I'm too tired."

Neteyam approaches Tonowari and Ronal as they prepare a breakfast.
I see you, Ronal and Tonowari, leaders of the metkayina, he mouthed while signing i see you to them two.
"Look, i'm sorry for messing your sons life u-.."
"We aren't angry. We have learned to accept our son, and if it means loving a forest na'vi like you, we accept," Tonowari interrupted.
"Plus, you are a very fine man yourself! Aonung must be very lucky!," Ronal complimented, seeming nice for the first time ever. Neteyam smiled.
"H-..How am i.. alive?" Tonowari sighed.
"We believe it is because of the strength between the bond of the mating. Since Aonung had been fighting to stay alive with his strength, it gave you strength as well. You just have been awoken from the rise." Neteyam nodded.
"And, where are my parents..?" Tonowari and Ronal looked to eachother. Should we tell him, they eyed eachother.
"Well, son.."
"Your parents didn't want to risk our lives. They had to leave. It was a very brave and kind thing to do for us, considering their son is-, no, was laying lifelessly in our village." Neteyam put his head town, already feeling tears form. Ronal walks up to him, hugging him.
"But you are a very lucky boy, Neteyam. If you had not bonded with your precious son, you most likely would not be alive at this moment," she said, rubbing his back. Neteyam sniffled.

"We have already informed your family that you are alive."
"We don't know if they can get here yet." Neteyam fought to stop himself from crying.
"I-..It's alright."
"I'm so sorry, Neteyam," Ronal said with one hand resting on his shoulder.
"We will try to get them back as soon as possible. But for now, you will have to stay with us for a few months, maybe even years." Neteyam could the agony growing in his heart.
"But good news!" Neteyam now became confused on Tonowaris statement.
"Your friend, i believe called Spider, is still here! We have offered him to stay at your marui." Neteyam smiled to himself.
"You can go now, son."
"Bye my beautiful son-in-law!"

"Well, how did it go..?," Aonung asked as he saw Neteyam walk in his marui. It did not take him long to notice Neteyam had been crying. He got up and ran to him. He eventually hugged him.
"What happened, my love?"
"They can't come back, for months, or even years!" Neteyam sobbed in Aonungs arms.
"I'm so sorry baby."
"But, your parents accept us."
"That's is great, Teyam. I love you."
"I love you too."
Aonung backed up and gave him a kiss. It was a soothing and passionate kiss, not like a kiss thag would last 3 seconds and just be a little peck. It meant something. Neteyam placed his hands on Aonung waist, allowing Aonung to rock back and forward, reaching into Neteyams face more and more. Neteyam gave small moans at the kiss. Aonung pulled his hair when Neteyam finally backed off.
"Give me some time, Nung. I promise you we can do it soon." Aonung nodded his head.

Next morning, Neteyam returned back to his marui, where he saw Spider using some beads.
"Bro, how are you feeling?," he asked, feeling guilt in every part of his heart. He knew that, what he did to him was terrible, not something anyone worthy to be called a friend would do.
"I'm fine, thank you so much for asking, Spider."
"Well look! I put our room into two pieces."
"Marui, sxwang!," he laughed. Aonung could hear them chuckling from his own marui, which made him jealous. Spider pointed to Neteyams side of the marui, that had blue, yellow, and dark blue beads that spelled out the name Neteyam on it, and then pointed to his side, which had brown, yellow, and black beads spelling out the name spider.

—- short and choppy chapter, sorry!

- • 969 words! • -

- loverwtoh3k's project

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