Little Daisy ❤️

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Todoroki x Reader

*I want this to be more lighthearted than serious, still includes yandere themes.*

Oh, he loved how daisies looked. They were so delicate against your hair, and he wanted nothing more than to know what they smelled like.

Even after months of inconspicuous stalking, he still felt that ping on shame after. Technically, this made him a creep, right?

No! He was only protecting you, don't be silly. Although, his mother would surely be disappointed in his behavior if she ever knew. At the sudden thought of his mother, he wanted you to visit her. You would understand her situation, right? You wouldn't think he was crazy too?

Every second, every hour, every waking moment of the day he was thinking about you. He tried endlessly to occupy himself with other activities such as studying, cleaning, even trying to speak with other students, such as Bakugou. Nothing worked!

Even now, his eyes drilled holes in the back of your head. Today was exams, and he felt a twinge of pity knowing you were having a hard time. He wanted to truly help, but all seemed impossible. The shame of not even being able to approach you was embarrassing. He could never catch a break from the teasing from his fellow friends!

Time seemed to go on and on, and finally, exams were over. Once, he thought about offering to tutor you, but it seemed silly. Or...

Izuku always had that big goofy grin on his face, and slightly nudged Shoto's shoulder. He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. What was he thinking about this time?

" should definitely ask to be her tutor! There's no way she could say no to you! You're to these girl's eyes!" Izuku laughed seeing Shoto's face turn cherry red.

"Idiot...she'd obviously say no. She doesn't even know me!" Shoto mumbled under his breath. This was embarrassing.

"Relax...I heard her and Momo in the bathroom yesterday and-"

"Why were you listening to the girls restroom?!" Shoto almost jumped out of his seat!

"I-It's not like that! But anyways, I heard Y/N say you were cute! She's definitely interested!" Izuku again wiggled his eyebrows. He really thought he was something, huh?

Him? Cute? Y/N called him cute? No way. Izuku must have heard something different.

"Speaking of which, there she is now! Go get 'em, tiger!" Izuku abruptly pushed Shoto towards you, and you let out a shocked yelp. Goodness, he would have toppled over you if he didn't brace himself against the wall...with you trapped under him.

Nope, he was dreaming. This couldn't be real. He was so close to your face! Shoto could see the different specks of pollen inside the daisies that adorned your hair, and the pink that tinted your cheeks.

"Um...hello." Shoto blurted out.

You didn't say anything.

"I'm...Todoroki. Can I tutor you this afternoon?" He actually got the question out? One point to him.

Gosh, your face was burning. This was so embarrassing!

"Okay...does five work for you...?"

Heavens above, his heart was going to burst out of his chest.


Well, this was awkward.

He was being a horny teenager, unsurprisingly. Lewd thoughts filled his mind when you both entered your room. Even as you explained what subject you needed help with, he couldn't help but stare off into space thinking about you.

She probably isn't like that all, Shoto. Get a grip.

"I've had so much trouble with math, like everyone's so difficult to grasp!" You banged your fist against your desk in frustration.

Any escape would be perfect for you. Just then, you noticed the vase of daisies that sat on your windowsill. They were starting to wilt.

You sighed, and got up from your desk. Shoto watched as you touched the flowers, a green light emitting from your fingertips. The wilted daises grew and stood up tall again. They were fresh as if they were just plucked from the Earth.

"Ah, I forgot to mention my quirk, didn't I? I specialize with all plant-life." You sat back down, and gripped your pencil. God, math was so annoying!

Shoto gulped, memorized by your display. He knew you wouldn't ask about his quirk; everyone already knew him by his last name.

He cleared his throat, catching your attention. Shoto pulled up his chair next to yours, and took the pencil from your hands. He nearly combusted when his hand made contact with yours. Your skin was softer than a baby's bum.

"Y/N, when solving quadratic equations, you don't always need to try and factor it out. There's a common method you can use for every equation, watch."

You sat dumbfounded as he explained the quadratic formula to you. You were already zoning out when he explained how to calculate your a, b, and c.

After solving the equation, he chuckled at how confused you were.

"You didn't catch a word of what I said, did you?"

"No...I honestly didn't...this is so hard!" You pouted, embarrassed at how you couldn't understand something so easy. Todoroki probably thought of you as a fool.

Shoto almost grabbed your hand, when the doorbell rang.

"Ah...has it been an hour already? That's probably Kirishima!" Shoto frowned as you scrambled to grab your purse, and made a beeline for the door. You didn't even say goodbye to him?

He watched on from above as you greeted Kirishima outside. His insides coiled with jealousy. Who did he think he was, interrupting your tutor session?

His stomach twisted even more when you hugged Kirishima by the neck, and then giving him a light kiss on his cheek. Shoto's body quivered even after you two had rode off his in car.

Calm yourself. It may just be platonic has to be. My daisy wouldn't...

Bad thoughts, go away.

Shoto took a deep breath, and surveyed the interior of your room. He had already seen it a hundred times from his prior stalking. His curiosity peeked noticing a hard leather journal sitting on your bed.

He sat down gently, worried about ruffling the satin covers. Taking the notebook, he flipped through its contents.

At first, you would write about your day at school, what you ate for lunch, unimportant topics as such. He started to flip the pages slower and slower, carefully reading through the new details you would write about.

Shoto frowned at the mention of Eijiro. He popped up almost everyday now in the journal. His frown turned to a snarl at the detailed paragraphs, how you would describe Eijiro as one would to a lover.

He stomped over to the daisies in your windowsill, and crushed them inside his hand.

It was becoming dark, and he had no idea when you'd be back home. He didn't feel any regret as he shredded the pages from the journal, tearing them into tiny pieces. Shoto took one final breath before leaving your house.

"Even her house smells like daisies..." A sudden thought popped into his mind as he walked the few blocks back to his house.

"Maybe, I'll make her my little daisy."

Will make a part 2, 100%.

Next chapter will be from the excerpt in the description. It will be a love triangle between Deku, Bakugou, and yourself. Will include more mature themes unlike this chapter. Includes 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋!!!

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