Marital Duties 🍈🧡

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(King) Bakugou x (Princess Reader)
(3rd POV)
There may be some confusion between both Kings, sorry about that.
(Had to fixed a stupid grammar mistake, I'm sorry).

The conquest had ravaged her land, left the people starving, and soaked the country with blood. The foreigner king was ruthless; nothing stopped him. He wanted complete control over her kingdom. His soldiers murdered her people brutally, and left children without parents.

Being only a princess, she had no political advantage and offer other than her hand in marriage. She had no voice inside their system. Her only useful aspect was being marriage material.

Y/N's father, the king, couldn't take it anymore. His people were turning against him, angry at the fact that he couldn't protect them. King Bakugou wanted his land, and he would achieve his goal if he didn't do something.

With an army behind him, King L/N marched up to the fortress that King Bakugou resided in. It sickened King L/N how the other soldiers happily munched and gorged on food that once belonged to him; food that they stole from his people.

It wouldn't be horrible for much longer, he had a bargaining chip.

"King Bakugou! I present the opportunity for negotiation! Face me!" Silence awaited them, King L/N's small army braced themselves for any kind of retaliation.

The front gates slowly opened, revealing the king with his own army. His hair was spiky and blond, red eyes, and an evil smile danced on his face.


While the people cried in poverty, Bakugou was adorned with the finest jewels all around. The cape he wore was made from fine furs, and the crown that sat upon his head glimmered in the sun. Even the L/N family couldn't bask in the glory such as Bakugou.

"What is this about, King?" Bakugou spat spit near L/N's feet.

L/N composed himself, being reminded of his duties as King. He was here to save his people, not fight a battle he couldn't win.

"I would like to end this conquest of yours. My people are starving; my country is in ruins. Please, accept my offer of peace." L/N stood still with baited breath.

Bakugou seemed to think about what the offer could be.

"What is your offer, King? I do not want measly jewels or money."

"I have a daughter who is of age. I propose an alliance."

King Bakugou was slightly interested in this princess. He still did not have a wife, and really didn't want one either. To him, women were mere emotional playthings. They became upset quite easily.

"I see. Bring your daughter to me at dawn tomorrow. We're done talking for today." The King marched back inside his fortress, and the gates were then closed. The other army sighed in relief, grateful that the barbarian king had agreed to the terms.

They set off back to their own kingdom, which was filled with people who cried from hunger and sickness. The rations were severely limited and weren't really enough for a full family.

The king sighed, knowing his daughter would not take the news lightly. He prioritized his people over his daughter, it was just the way things were.


"Father, you're joking." The girl had turned eighteen weeks ago, and the people loved her. She was known to be kind and merciful to others below her.

Her dress was sleek and hugged her figure. It was made from silk and was a beige color; very humble. A golden tiara adorned her head, and the jewels inside were the color of her eyes.

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