Parents 🧡

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Bakugou x Reader

(TW: Mentions of rape, kidnapping, stalking, pregnancy, random time skips)


You cradled your daughter close to your body, ensuring that she was warm and happy. The cold wind around you bit into your cheeks, and made the tip of your nose red. Fear made you frequently turn your head, and make sure someone certain wasn't following you.

Ground Zero was never someone that you would like, but your close friend, Uraraka, happened to be a big fan of his. She convinced both of you to attend his public meeting, where he would chatter with fans and give autographs. When he was bored and hungry he'd tell everyone to fuck off and then get in his limousine.

Before he escaped the crowd, he briefly saw a flash of your face. He recognized Uraraka from school, but not you. You seemed younger, prettier, more unique. Bakugou's eyes wanted to keep looking, but his bodyguard ushered him into the car and rolled up the windows.

Defying safety concerns, he rolled it back down anyway. You were in the front, and had this distant look on your face. Bakugou decided that he liked you a little more than the others, and privately scoured Uraraka's socials until he found you in a picture.

That same shit-eating grin from high-school appeared once he found out your name, address, birthdate, literally everything. Bakugou liked the way your name felt rolling off his tongue, and would frequently fantasize about you in his dreams.

He'd send people to your house to look for you, but you'd close the curtains and lock the door up tight. Bakugou was smug knowing that you were fully aware of his mischievous intent. You didn't miss that sinister glint in his eye at the meeting. Even when he rolled the window down just to look at you specifically, you just knew.

You quickly sat up in bed, screaming at the several pairs of hands that grabbed you and tied ropes around your wrists. They put a blindfold over your eyes, and something heavy was thrusted against the back of your head.

Waking up, you screamed until your voice was raw and scratchy. You wanted to be let go immediately. Uraraka wasn't stupid; she saw the way her former friend looked at you. She'd come looking for you at any moment.


You cried as his hands roamed wherever he pleased, and you screamed when he showed no mercy or kindness towards your fragile body.

"Shut up and take it!" He'd yell.

For several weeks, he refused to leave your side. Not even to use the bathroom, take a shower, or fix something to eat. Bakugou called out sick for work, and was on the verge of losing his job as a pro-hero. He reluctantly left the penthouse he kept you in, and went back to work regularly.

Uraraka stormed into his office, her face red as a cherry.

"I know you took her, Katsuki! Where did you take her?!" Her hands slammed down on the desk Bakugou sat at, and random objects started to float towards the ceiling.

He smirked, and took a sip of his coffee.

"You...what have you done to her—you're a sick bastard and—!" The security guards led her away, unfazed by the accusations thrown Ground Zero's way.

They were the ones who helped take you, anyway.

Uraraka was unexpectedly sent to prison, convicted for the murder of a random civilian. She would never see the sun again, all thanks to one man's jealousy.

You on the other hand, wanted to cry and scream until there was nothing left. Bakugou noticed your slightly protruding belly, and forced you to take a pregnancy test.

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