Samples 🤍

997 17 13

Kai Chisaki x Reader
Happy birthday Awkward0Artist !

"You're just like Eri, Y/N. A mass destruction to anyone who dares to come around you. How does that make you feel?"

So many bandages. They needed to be changed soon. You could faintly hear Eri down the hall, crying as more samples were taken from her arm. Sometimes, you cried too. It hurt when they would cut into your skin, harvesting the blood and cells that Kai said were cursed.

You and Eri were half-siblings, and yet your quirks were complete opposites. Hers was rewind, yours was fast-forward. She could reverse things, and you would accelerate them. Just like Eri, Overhaul would make special bullets out of your blood. If one of Eri's bullets didn't finish the job, yours would seal the deal.

The door to your room clicked shut, with Chisaki standing in front of it. It was unnerving how often he'd stare you down. You couldn't even remember how old you were. Twenty, or maybe twenty-one.

"Eri isn't some monster like you say she is. I'm not either, Chisaki." You rarely ever looked at him anymore, partially due to your disgust. He had a plate of food in his hand, and set it down on the small dining table in your room.

"Don't call me that. Here, your food is going to get cold. You need more energy for the next round of sampling." Kai pulled out one of the chairs, sitting with his legs crossed. He was waiting for you to sit up and join him at the table.

"Hmph...sampling. What am I, some little slider to eat at a buffet? Fuck whatever food you prepared!"

Chisaki was getting impatient. He tapped his foot against the ground, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Y/N, I'll ask you one more time—"

"—No! I'm tired of having my skin cut into, and so does Eri! We're not some freaks of society for you to experiment with!"

He stopped tapping his foot, and instead stood up. Chisaki unlocked the door to your room, left, and was gone for several minutes. You thought he had disappeared for the day, and laid back down for a moment.

The walls were painted white, and only recently had Chisaki gave permission for you to add some color. You added anything you wanted. Whether it was animals, plant life, or just little doodles. It added some life into the dreary room. Sometimes, when he'd settle to take samples in your room versus the lab, you'd stare at the drawings. They were the only piece of entertainment you had. Whenever you disobeyed Chisaki, he'd erase one of the pictures.

You were startled out of your light nap, eyes widening at the small mouse in Chisaki's hands. It was smaller than normal, and must have been deformed in some way. Chisaki walked to your bedside, placing the small rodent in your lap.

"What do you think of when looking at this mouse?" He asked, scooting closer while looking over your shoulder. His presence was making you tense. You weren't sure what he was planning, and your heart rate was accelerating fast.

You needed to calm down. A simple inhale and exhale of air would help. It wasn't working like it usually did. "It looks cute...and small." Your answer was shaky, and Chisaki almost chuckled at your fear.

"Cute? You think a disgusting rodent with no purpose is cute? I thought you were better than that, Y/N." His answer made you stiffen. The small mouse had barely moved, and was currently itching its snout.

"Kill it."

You should've known that was what he came for. A brief glance made your eyes narrow. The bastard was smiling. He looked better with the face mask instead.

"...No. I won't."

"So you'd rather me kill it instead?"

Chisaki chuckled, already slipping off his white gloves. You panicked, careful to not touch the mouse while scooting to the far end of your bed. He only moved closer, outstretching his fingers towards the unaware mouse.

"Think about it," he began, so close to brushing his fingers against the mouse's hair. "My quirk would make it explode. Demineralize. Yours would simply age it until it became dust. Which one sounds more humane?"

He had a point, but yet he wasn't correct. Your quirk didn't always have to age an organism. Sometimes, it would make the creature evolve. The development was too quick for the poor soul, causing it harm as its bones shifted and cracked.

"Can you just...stop tormenting me?!"

You had only looked away for a second, and couldn't react quick enough, Chisaki reached for your hand, and you thought he would kill you instead. Rather than doing that, he forced your hand to close around the mouse's body.

Tears overflowed when you realized the more horrific side of your quirk was taking place. Its head became longer, as did its limbs. It squeaked in agony, and because of the sudden growth and change, the bones simply snapped and poked through the skin. The small mouse had turned into a lifeless husk, midway through a painful evolution.

"Why are you crying? You weren't this upset when I took care of those wretched people you called 'family'. They were using you. On the other hand, I care for you."

You wanted him out. The dead mouse was growing cold in your hand. Could you even call it a mouse anymore?

"Get out of my fucking room! I hate you, I hate you, I—!"

Chisaki snatched the dead rodent, instantly coating his hands in sticky, cold blood. Then, he tried to close his hand around your own. Your other arm swung against him, your fingers were so close to touching his face.

"And this," his voice was strained, focused on holding your outstretched arms away from his body. "is why you're a monster. Look at what you did; that poor, defenseless mouse is dead. And now you're trying to harm me?"

It hurt to speak. The way your throat closed up made it near impossible, anyway. From where Chisaki was holding your arms, the blood from his hands stained your skin. It kept dripping further down, one drop splattering against your cheek. Your stomach churned.

"Seems like you're strong enough for another lab session, yeah? You'd rather take Eri's place anyway, I would assume?"

Your bottom lip quivered, and you were close to crying again. His grip was bone crushing. Already, the bruises were forming and healing themselves rapidly. A small nod made him let go.

"Good. I didn't feel like hunting down more of your loved ones. It's high time you realize I'm the only person who cares for you."

And just like that, you were subjected to another round of experiments. Each one hurt more than the last, and your quirk couldn't keep up for long. While slouched in the chair, with your limbs restrained, Chisaki couldn't help but smile.

Two birds with one stone; he could keep you under his thumb like he had always wanted, and make so much money off of your blood. It was always troublesome making you behave, but you always did in the end.

Another round of samples would have to wait until next time.


Hi 🫣

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