The Red String 🤍

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Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
(AU, no quirks)

The red strings of fate were commonly known, and every single person on earth had one tethered to another being. Once your red string is tied, there's no untying it. But, once it snaps, there's no mending it.

Everyone could see their string, albeit faintly. It became more visible the closer your other half was to you. The string was tied around the ring finger, and very easy to ignore during everyday life.

Amajiki hated being in crowds like this. Too many people; there were too many chances. He groaned realizing he was stuck in the chaos. People threw him annoyed glances, making him further want to dig a hole and hide away.

His breath hitched when his ring finger was tugged backwards. Looking down, the red string he had awaited for so long was completely opaque against his pale skin. Amajiki's eyes followed the trail of string, seeing it meet with another person.

Redness creeped up to his neck and then to his face. He felt his eyes flutter shut for a few moments. You felt the same, cradling the end of the string to your chest.

There was no one else left around except the both of you. The crowd disappeared, but silence appeared in its wake. You gulped, tugging your finger back towards yourself. Well, at least you didn't have to worry about having a less than subpar soulmate. But, the more you looked at the string, flashes happened in front of your eyes. A few showed memories of your soulmates' childhood, but there were others that weren't so heartwarming.

They weren't memories, but instead premonitions of the future. You saw yourself, eyes full of tears as you held onto your loved one. He stood over you with a lovesick smile plastered to his face. His breath shook with admiration of and love. Just as the scene was coming to an end, you saw the blood splatters.

More scenes played out, each one more gruesome and sickening. In reality, you felt real tears started to slip down your cheeks. Amajiki's smile faltered seeing you cry. He felt the string tug and twist. In a panic, he tried to hold the fraying threads together.

"W-Wait! What are you doing—?!"


He couldn't breathe. As his end of the string lowered to the ground, gravity taking its hold, he dropped with it. His knees hit the ground, but he couldn't feel it.

You clutched your own end of the string, sobbing as you finally were released from the onslaught of premonitions. Eyeing your soulmate on the ground, you started to shake.

"We...are not soulmates!"

His pitiful heart shattered, and the crowd reappeared. People stared, once again. They eyed the now visible string, whispering when they saw the snapped end. Rumors started to spread, some people taking pictures.

When the pain ceased, he didn't see you where you once stood. But, he saw your own end of the string laying on the ground. You had untied it from your finger, twisting it and letting it fall. Amajiki had seen your memories, smiling at the innocence. What had you seen that made you sever the bond?

He didn't sleep, you didn't sleep. Rather than succumb to dreams, you were subject to the nightmares you experienced earlier. Through the horrible scenes, you learned of his name. Tamaki Amajiki. How could someone so sweet looking do something like that? Had you made a mistake in severing the bond? No, you most definitely hadn't.

Your former soulmate, on the other hand, was sick with grief. As you had been the one to sever the bond, he reaped the punishment. Immense waves of sickness and depression washed over him, so much that he couldn't think of anything else. He couldn't eat, sleep, live. His pillow was damp with tears.

Tamaki wanted to see you again. It had only been two days, but he was slowly withering away and couldn't help it. Your memories told him that your name was Y/N. Without wasting a moment, he pushed aside his fears of the public and stepped outside.

He was a mess, and he knew it. His heart hammered as people stared, but Tamaki found himself to not care. A goal was set, and he wanted to reach it.

His ring finger went numb. The string sensed your presence, wanting to reforge the bond. Tamaki looked like a crazed man as he parted the crowd, lips turnings upwards when his hand brushed against your wrist.

All of the sadness was wiped away, replaced with euphoria and belonging. He didn't want to let go. Why should he let go? It didn't make sense to. Did you feel it too? Were the effects of the string still left inside you? Tamaki panted with relief, and was desperate for a response.


You felt extremely guilty, and couldn't bring yourself to form a response. Tamaki's heart fluttered when your fingers graced his hand, but then stuttered when you used those same beautiful fingers to pry it away. The relief he had so desperately sought after vanished in an instant. A dark blanket was laid back on top of mind, further smothering him with panic.

"T-Tamaki! I don't want to be your soulmate, let me go!"

His ears twitched upon hearing you say his name, and he didn't even realize he had grabbed your hand once more. Tamaki sank to his knees, tears forming at the corners.

"Wait, we can fix this! W-What did I do, Y/N? Am I—?"

Your hand swung against his cheek, pivoting his head sideways. This was too difficult. You were just fine living life without a partner. The visions were now starting to make sense. It didn't matter whether you accepted the bond, or rejected it. He would still turn out the same way.

People laughed at him, mocked him, even pitied him. A mere two days ago, he would've cowered in the corner and hid in the shadows to escape. Tamaki didn't care about the anxiety anymore. He wanted you to stay, even if you kept hitting him over and over.

"...What about the red string?"

"There's no more string, Tamaki. I—"

"—I don't care, Y/N...please don't leave me. Not now, not ever. We're bonded, remember?"

No one around you was willing to help separate him from you. Instead, they all snickered and recorded the whole ordeal.

They wouldn't be laughing when blood was spilt.



Gonna be straight up— updates for this book will now be slow since I'm focusing on my demon slayer book. And, of course, any smut between characters and the reader is assumed to be where everyone is 18+ unless otherwise stated. I feel like that's a given, basically.

Also does anyone else when reading "Y/N" or "F/N" always literally read out the letters and not imagine your own name? Am I going coo-coo?

MHA M!Yandere x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now