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the sun glistens against the window, the orange and purple sky looks unreal, its beauty so strong that you can't tell if it's real or fake. currently, you are sweeping the floor for any signs of visible dirt, you don't feel very happy about cleaning but you must do what you have to do.

you sweep and sweep until a chime disrupts your moment of serenity, outcomes those you are familiar with, but you did not expect someone else to accompany ranpo and fukuzawa to your cafe. outcomes fukuzawa, ranpo and a girl whom you have never seen before in your life, a stranger.

the door swings open, the bell chiming as you flicker your gaze towards the door, getting ready to serve possible customers.

"yahoo!" a sickening childlike voice yells out whilst waving their hands; it's ranpo. ranpo approaches you with a snarky smile on his face whilst fukuzawa leads the girl who is in a wheelchair towards a booth. "hi edogawa," you bluntly say, face straight and devoid of any emotion.

ranpo's chirpy smile flashes you - your eyes are shunned by the giddiness ranpo is showing.

"i, a wonderful detective, have brought another wonderful being into your presence you loner! be grateful for me expanding your social circle!" ranpo cheerfully says, insulting you in the process. he extends a hand to tug on your sleeve, redirecting you towards both fukuzawa and the mystery girl.

"i don't care." you blatantly say, not caring one bit to be grateful. ranpo huffs at that comment, obviously wanting to be praised by someone they find enjoyable to be around with. as you get dragged over to where fukuzawa and the mystery girl is, you quickly lean your broom against a surface, letting it go before returning all your attention back to the situation.

tired eyes gaze over at the wheelchaired girl that ranpo supposedly implied prior to your small talk. she looks tired, messy black hair stringing over her face whilst her wide-eyed dull gaze with faint sparks flicker around the room, observing her surroundings.

to you, this stranger has the prettiest eyes you've ever seen in your entire life. the dishevelled girl has bright purple eyes, though a bit dull, they were still the prettiest. oh, you wish you had gorgeous eyes like that. though, that does sound a little weird when you think about that.

you kneel to the stranger's level, looking up at the wheelchaired girl with a welcoming smile. the girl looks away, a little discomfort painted on her face.

"what's your name, dear?" you softly question, tone soft and whisperlike. you stare at her, waiting for her response.

she gives you a side eye before answering meekly, "yosano akiko."

"that's a lovely name yosano, my name is [lastname] [name]." you brightly say, happy that the currently disabled girl was able to give you her name. as you and yosano talk, fukuzawa and ranpo stay by your guys' side - mindlessly listening onto your conversations. fukuzawa is patient, secretly happy that yosano is socialising with another being whilst ranpo looks bored.

ranpo slumps in his seat, restlessly tossing and turning a few times due to being incredibly bored. he feels the need to gather more information, the need to learn more and more until he can't process anything else other than the information he found. he needs to do something. and with sudden motivation to do something to control his restlessness, he decides to tap your shoulder,

"[namee] i'm going to leave you, sooo... take care of yosano for me pretty pleasee!!" ranpo pleads, looking at you with a chirpy smile before slowly backing away and running off without fukuzawa or yosano. "ranpo kid?????" fukuzawa calls out, confused, he looks out the window to see ranpo waving at him, wanting him to come with. fukuzawa looks back at you with a face of; 'please do take care of yosano.' before he dashes out the door, quickly following ranpo in a calm manner.

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