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the unexpected happened today, it was just meant to be a normal day with no fun; a dull day. but, it seems like it won't be after discovering a piece of mail on the mat implanted on your front door. it isn't your typical mail, oh no, it's not. the only letters you've ever got were for the bills, letters from family or friends, or school announcements and events for when you were still in school.

"why?" you whisper to yourself. you're flabbergasted, incredibly flabbergasted. you carefully open the letter, careful not to rip the package it arrived in. delicate fingers diligently take out the piece of paper,

the letter looks vintage, its brown crumpled look giving a warm feeling in your heart. the wording makes you feel something within you, a fluttering feeling of butterflies in your stomach. maybe. you can also see faint lipstick marks, marks of a true loves kiss.

you stare intensely at the piece of paper, using your hands to smooth over the fine lines. with no more words to describe your astonishment, you read its contents.


you probably don't remember me or know me, but I do.

the day I walked into your cafe — was the day i knew i had fallen in love.

you were simply divine, a gift from above that has graced me with your presence. i remember the warm look you gave me and the charming smile you flashed me, at that moment - i knew i had found the one.

and with this letter, is my proposal - you may not know who i am, but i know you. i look forward to knowing you once you figure out who i truly am, but for now, you have to imagine who i really am.

on summer days, the sun will be shining as i watch the birds tweet and chirp whilst i hold you in my arms, holding you closer like we're one, like we were meant to be. i'll give you a kiss every second for being by my side, you're too important for me to let go. i need you.

on winter nights, the atmosphere is foggy, i can barely see your silhouette but i know that it would still be you by my side - i'll lay in the snow making snow angels with you, admiring your gorgeous features. we'll be out there till dawn, shivering and cold with shrivelled hands from the melted snow but laughing loudly continuously.

on spring evenings, we'll be eating your delicacies, happily munching away without a care in this cruel world. you don't deserve to be stuck in such a wicked and selfish world, do you?

on autumn afternoons, i'll sweep leaves off the floor with a rake as i'll hopefully watch you ramble and ramble about how eventful your day is. i'll provide and take care of you when needed, i always will.

my dear, every time your eyes cry like the sea, i will be the sand that waits for you on the shore to dry your tears.

my love, i am willing to face death for you on your behalf, your presence alike so perfect that the angels above could not compete. without you in this life, there is no purpose of me staying here as you are essential. you bring light and joy to my small heart that whenever i think my heart belongs to me, it actually belongs to you.

every time i think of you, day and night will i wait for you to be by my side — every day when i close my eyes to sleep, i'd always think of you as you're the only one i want to think about. i'll always remember that gorgeous smile that brightened up my day like the aftermath of rain, i will be the dark and you'll be my light. i'll stand behind you so you'll spread joy and happiness within my heart.

everything reminds me of you despite conversing once in the abode of your cafe, oh, i do not know if you remember me, but, i am someone who's come far from these lands from another.

i am committed to protecting and preserving your life, and i will do whatever to ensure that your light continues to shine upon us. so that you'll shine even if that means destroying myself for your sake, your joy.

my one and only, how i have fallen in love with you; if i had a flower for every time i thought of you, i'd only have one since you never left my mind. and if we ever met again, i'd give you that flower — if it takes whatever means to be with you, whether it be bringing the moon back to you or going over the world just for your sake, ill do it. only for you. ill do anything for you.

you and the sun hold little difference, just like i cannot ignore the sun's rays of light, i cannot overlook your radiant beauty.

oh, счастье моё, if days go by without seeing your smile, the world will not cast light as my sun had died.

if we ever meet again, let me take you out to walk on the shoreline early in the morning.


the cursive words filled with lots of dedication, laced with beauty, and showing that this person is truly in love with you. oh, you have never experienced this before - you wonder, who wrote this? your heart burns with anticipation, burning due to the infuriating sensation of who wrote this letter just for you.

the letter was crafted with the most care you've ever seen, despite it looking old and crumpled, you can see all the love and dedication built into this letter that was dedicated to you, with lipstick stains, to the scent of lovely cologne. this letter was poured with love and devotion.

though, you do admit, isn't this person making a fool of themselves? who would declare a sudden love letter and sign themselves off as 'future spouse'? though, you honestly don't care because you're now left with the mystery of who wrote this - you don't remember any person giving you a look of adoration, and the mention of 'you may not know who i am, but i know you' obviously indicates that this person had known about you.

you let out a sigh, cupping your lower face with your palm as you reread the contents with cheeks flushed with a bright red. for all you know, you would never ever get so worked up over a piece of paper with little nothings on it - though, maybe one time you'll indulge in some love from a stranger.


SWEETS AND TREATS TRIVIA; who wrote this sweet letter to you?


—счастье моё¹ = my happiness

—you have a side quest to find out who wrote this to you, and find out what type of perfume was used to scent the paper

—the perfume smelt like the aftermath of a rainy day, mixed with freshly cut grass

—whilst opening the letter from its packaging, you accidentally created a large rip on the packaging

—on the outside, you had a straight face, a face of confusion. on the inside, you were squealing and swinging your legs back and forth with a cheeky smile

—you had a foggy dream about the person who wrote this love letter to you

author's note;

special for 1k reads on wattpad!!!! also, if i got the translation for 'счастье моё' please do tell me. i do not condone my behaviour if i suddenly was accused of 'mocking' or being disrespectful towards another culture or religion - so, in order to fix my ways and be respectful please do tell if i made the correct translation.

also!! this is the first batch of the rewritten chapters i have constantly commented about, i got too impatient to finish the other chapters so this will be all - chapters 6 to 11 will be edited and rewritten in the upcoming future

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