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it always seems that you can never relax and go on with your day without disturbances.

it's been 2 years since you met the detective agency, they have grown over the years. considering yourself a 'parental figure' among them, you willingly support their ideas and goals. you recently just met another peculiar person, and though it being a short interaction, you remember how you've met from the start to the end.

"your name?"

"kunikida doppo."

"ah, you're here for the desserts right? just wait here, ill grab them."

recently, someone ordered a few boxes of sweets. 

kunikida is seen waiting at the counter whilst holding his notebook, he seems to be checking his schedule for the day. you can hear him grumbling about something but it is muffled by the sudden clattering. kunikida immediately perks up at the noise whilst moving his body to see the source of the sound.

the pain surges throughout your foot as you manage to stub your toe against the edge of the counter, one box falls out of your grip as you bend down to soothe your toe. it ploughs onto the floor, the sound echoing inside the kitchen. fumbling to your knees, you check to see if the sweets are alright- you heave a sigh of relief as you see that nothing has happened to them.

getting back up, you swiftly make your way to kunikida, transferring the boxes with delicate care into his hands.

"sorry, i dropped a box. is that alright with you or do you want me to remake them?" you say with tears pricking your eyes, the pain pounding hard from your toe.

"no- it's fine, thank you," he replies, slight concern in his eyes as he observes the tears that look like its gonna fall. he doesn't make much comment as he turns and makes his way out the door, seeing him leave, you drop down to your knees and start caressing your foot. it hurts, it hurts a lot. you bite your bottom lip in hopes that it can stop the pain.

at the end of the day, you were left with bloody lips, an injured toe, and were able to meet another detective.

but now is not the time to be reminiscing about the events of meeting kunikida, it's time to be thinking about why this boy is staring intensely at you and why his companion seems to be looking at him with an aggravated face.


you both are locked into a staring competition, you can feel your eyes quickly drying themselves. you desperately need to blink, but you won't. you don't want to be known as someone that lost to a mere child because of a staring contest, no. you won't allow that.

you see that he lifted his hands, and he makes a clapping motion with his hands. you blink.

you blinked?

there was no way you just blinked right now.

are you serious right now? did you just blink at a child? in a staring contest?

no way, you actually suck.

"hi, hi! you there?" the boy says, flashing a chirpy smile.

"can you hear me? helloo??" he drawls out, inspecting you closely.

your head sinks into your palms, grumbling swears about how you just lost to a child, a child? or was he a teenager? your eyes peer at the adolescent in front of you, he's definitely a teenager. you go back to mumbling swears again.

sweets and treats | bsd gn insertWhere stories live. Discover now