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Zay sat quietly in her apartment, deep in thought as she contemplated the events of the past few days. She couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the negative view that the public had on Kamen Riders. It didn't help that Leon had just called out Zero-One, demanding a fight.

Eva noticed Zay's distress and tried to offer some guidance. "Remember, Zay, you're doing what you can to protect the people. Don't let the negativity get to you."

Zay nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to do more. That's when she noticed a mysterious Progrise Key sitting on her desk. It was the Hell Rising Hopper Key.

She picked it up, examining it closely. She had heard rumors of this key, but had never seen it before. It was said to be incredibly powerful, but also incredibly dangerous. Zay knew she had to be careful with it.

Meanwhile, Leon had turned off the TV and was staring at his Samurai Armor. He knew that he couldn't take on Kamen Riders by himself, but he was determined to find a way to stop them. That's when he remembered something.

He pulled out a small device from his pocket and activated it. "Hello? Yes, I need your help. I want to take down the Kamen Riders once and for all."

Leon walks towards his collection of samurai armors, running his fingers over the different designs. He stops at one with a hidden compartment and opens it, revealing a slot for a Driver.

"I'll show those Kamen Riders what true power is," he mutters to himself as he places his Attache Shotgun into the compartment and closes it back up.

Meanwhile, Zay is still in deep thought, contemplating the situation with Leon and the negative public perception of Kamen Riders.

"Eva, what do you think I should do?" she asks her AI companion.

Eva responds, "I think you should continue to do what you believe is right, Zay. As Kamen Rider Zero-One, it is your duty to protect the people, regardless of what they may think of you."

Zay nods, taking a deep breath. "You're right, Eva. I won't let Leon or anyone else bring me down. I'll continue to fight for justice and protect the innocent."

With a newfound resolve, Zay begins to plan her next move, determined to prove to the world that Kamen Riders are not the enemy.

Eva looked at Zay with concern in her eyes. "Zay, I know this is all overwhelming for you. You were designed to be an AI assistant, not a fighter. But you have to remember that you're also Kamen Rider Zero-One, and you have a duty to protect people."

Zay sighed. "I know, Eva. It's's hard. Being an AI, I never thought I'd have to deal with all of this. The hatred towards Kamen Riders, the constant fighting...sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it."

Eva placed a comforting hand on Zay's shoulder. "It's okay to feel that way. But you have to remember that you're not alone. You have me, and you have the other Kamen Riders. We're all in this together, and we'll support you every step of the way."

Zay smiled weakly. "Thanks, Eva. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Eva grinned. "You'd probably be lost without me. But seriously, Zay, you have the potential to be an amazing Kamen Rider. You just have to believe in yourself."

Zay nodded. "I'll try. But I have a feeling things are about to get even more difficult."

Eva raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?"

Zay hesitated before answering. "I saw a Progrise Key earlier...the Hell Rising Hopper Key. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. And...I feel like I have to use it, even though I know it's dangerous."

Soul Saga ???: Kamen Rider Zero-One 01Where stories live. Discover now