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I leaned more into the tree than I groaned as I heard one of my older brothers yelled. "Come on down, Awä. Father's going to ger mad at you." I rolled my eyes and Pantoran chuckled and Tsanten smiled. "Wonder if I'm ever going to have my own life without someone coming to ruin it." I grumbled, under my breath as I slowly climbed down. I dropped down and saw my brother, Ca'uk "You know with the humans around; mother and father don't like you going so deep into the forest."

I nodded and my friends, Pantoran and Tsanten climbed down. "Yes, I know, but's it nice having a life once and awhile without being pampered every living second of my life. My brother sighed and put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile. "Come on, let's all go home before our parents lose their shits." We all chuckled at that and started walking back home, walking back through the forest. As we entered back into our village most of our people were surrounding other Na'vis. Pantoran and Tsentan walked in a different direction as me and Ca'uk went to look for our parents.

We saw them talking to the new people, but we couldn't see the new people. Our other two brothers, Kaìkx and Ììot, standing beside our parents. Ììot looked back and saw us, he gave us a death stare and signaled us over by tilting his head. Me and Ca'uk made it into the space where our parents are. We saw our father, the Olo'eytan, talking to the new people and our mother, the Tsahik, watching silently. She saw me and grabbed my arm, pulling me against her. I know saw these Na'vis weren't like us. Almost all of them had teal-like skin and some of the others had a darker blue tone, the weirdest part was...There was a human with them. I looked to my father as he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I do not know. How do we know you'll not bring that war to us, my clan, we do not fight unless we need to and there has never been a war here." My father stated to the two Na'vi men infront of him, one with the teal-like skin and the other with the darker tone of skin. My ears twitched down as I heard my father's tone of voice; he sounded like he wanted to help these people but the thought of a war coming to our clan would be the worst thing to happen. I took a deep breath in then exhaled before I quietly spoke. "Father, may I say some words?" He looked up, resting his chin on his hand as he looked down at me. He glanced to my mother, she nodded and had her hands on my shoulders, he nodded at me giving me permission.

"I've only just arrived here a few minutes before hand, so I do not know generally what's happening, but we cannot just leave these people helpless. They need food and shelter; they need a home for the time being. Cannot not we give it to them just until they can move on to find an actual shelter?" Everyone stayed silent, considering what I said, my father gave me another nod to continue my statement. I took another breath before I spoke once more. "What do we value most in this clan? Family, the children. They have children and it goes against our very own rules that we do not go against leaving children without proper shelter. Please father, they need a place. Let us give them it until they can find a true one and only shelter."

My father smiled at me, I had always made good points when a fight or a situation like this happened. My father cleared his throat before speaking to everyone. "My daughter has spoken, we'll give these outsiders a place to stay, to prepare themselves until they must leave to find an actual shelter." He turned to the new people. "We welcome you to our clan, the Ni'awve."


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