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"Come on! Hurry up!" Ììot called to the newcomers. We were climbing up mountains, going to hopefully bond with some Irkans. I hoisted myself up, climbing up the vines. Ììot grabbed, my tail making me slip and I gripped the vines. I hissed and he laughed. "Climb faster!" I groaned and kept climbing. I kept climbing then glanced to my left, the human was struggling. I carefully swung over and grabbed the vine beside him. I wrapped the vine around my leg and helped him. "Here... Watch." I climbed a bit, making sure he was watching my technique. I climbed higher and hoisted myself up when we got to the grass. I brushed off my legs and started to help the others, Ììot just watching.

I grabbed Neteyam's hand and pulled him up. My foot slid a bit, but he caught me, his arm around my waist. He moved his arm away and helped me stand up properly. I cleared my throat and smiled. "Thank you." "Of course." He replied in a very polite tone. I smiled and turned, making sure everyone had gotten up okay. I started walking again, Ììot and the others trailed behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ììot almost pouting. "Are you sad because we couldn't go see the Aer'alae?" My brother glanced up and shrugged, going back to look at the ground in a pouting way. I rolled my eyes but smiled as we all kept walking. "Aer'alae..?" Tuk said in a confused voice. I smiled and looked over my shoulder at her.

"Aer'alae. They are a clan that live on the highest Thundering Rocks. It is very hard to breath up there though because of how high it is." Ììot continued. "They raise Great Leonopteryxs there." I nodded in agreement. "TORUK MAKTOS!??!?!" Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, Tuk and Spider all yelled in unison. Me and my brother both looked at them then back to each other. "Yes." They stared at us, flabbergasted. "Why is that so surprising?" My brother asked, a bit perplexed by their reactions. "It's nothing." Lo'ak spoke. Me and my brother both nodded and we all started walking again. I hummed quietly to myself as I kept walking. Ììot nudged me a bit and I looked at him. "What?" I asked with my voice lowered so the others didn't hear us. "You have yet to tell mother that your body has changed slightly."

"What you mean?" He looked down to my stomach then back to my eyes. I looked down at myself and saw my stomach was a bit bigger than it was a few weeks ago. "Zip it." I whispered and kept walking, walking ahead. After a few minutes, I called back to them over my shoulder. "We're almost there!" "You should tell mother." Ììot spoke as he began to walk beside me. "And you should tell mother how you almost impregnated your own girlfriend." I shot back and kept walking. I slowed as I felt some rain droplets fall on my head. I sighed and turned to them. "My apologies but we cannot go see the Irkans and make a tsaheylu. It is too dangerous to do it when it's raining."

"Let's head back already!" My brother called and we all started to walk back. I sighed and looked down, placing a hand on my stomach. "Hey." I lifted my head then looked down to see the human, Spider. "Is there something you need?" I asked politely well taking my hand off my stomach. "I wanted to thank you for helping me not die when climbing the vines." I chuckled and nodded. "A lot of people struggle with it, it's not that bad." He nodded and walked beside me as we were walking behind the group. "Your clan is very accepting of us..." I looked down and smiled. "I see the good in people, even if they're different. My father always listens to what I have to say." "Your family sounds like a nice one." I shrugged and sighed. "We should probably catch up with them." "Race you." I chuckled as he started running. 


687 words

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