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I peeked around the tree, making sure they were gone. I let out a breath of relief, my muscles relaxing. I took a deep breath and readjusted my grip on my spear. I slowly inches away from the tree and into the open, ready for an attack. The attack never came, which made me relax but also... Sad? 'Why am I sad that they are gone...? Never mind that I must get home.' I sighed as I began to walk back, my spear still in hand. I kept my ears perked up in case I heard something that signaled someone was here or watching me. I carefully climbed onto a fallen tree then slid down and almost fell because of the mud.

I sighed once more as I walked into a small clearing with a pool of water. I knelt down and put my spear beside me but at the same time, I could grab it at any time. I looked at the water and put my hands in, scooping some of the water into my hands. I tilted my head back and poured the water onto my face, slowly and soothingly. I closed my eyes just before it hit my face and felt the cool water drip onto my face and slide down, covering every inch of my face. I smiled, softly, as I poured the last of the water in my hands onto my face. I smoothed my hair and wiped my face with a soft sigh.

"That was hot." My eyes snapped open, and I looked to my left. I saw Lyle leaning against a tree and Miles behind him, both staring. I hissed and crouched, grabbing my spear. Lyle and Miles put up their hands in surrender. "Wow! Wow! Chill girl, we aren't here to hurt you." Lyle spoke again. I looked at the annoyed and spoke with a matter-of-fact tone. "Didn't you both try to shoot me dead after I saved you both?" They looked to one another then back to me, Lyle shrugged. "Yes, we did." Miles spoke up. I kept in my crouched position and watched them carefully.

"Then why are you here?" I asked, tilting my head. Miles looked to Lyle, clearly expecting him to talk. "Well, I wanted to say thank you for the save-" "Bullshit." I spoke and they both looked surprised before Lyle bursted out laughing. He looked to Miles. "Shit, Colonel... I don't think our plan's working." I rolled my eyes and got up, I began to walk around the pool of water. "Hey!" Lyle yelled and chased after me. I moved to the side before he could touch me, he face planted. I sighed and turned as I watched Lyle get up. Miles walked over, watching Lyle too.

"I cannot tell if this is pathetic, or you are just like this." Miles smirked then it disappeared just as fast as it came. He pulled Lyle up then they both looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "What?" "How do you like water?" My nose scrunched as I looked confused. "I suppose I do not mind-AHHH!!!" I yelled as I got thrown into the pool of water. I swam up and surfaced. I looked at the both of them, furiously. "WHAT IN EYWA'S NAME WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled, my patience gone.

I huffed and tried to climb out. I felt a hand on my head, and he pushed me back under the water. I gritted my teeth and grabbed Lyle's wrist, pulling him down with me. I surfaced and hissed as he surfaced. "I did not expect you to drag me into this lake." He spoke as he breathed heavily. I groaned and swam back, treading water. "Your breath reeks..." Miles chuckled before speaking. "So, it appears you don't like alcohol." "Alcohol?" Lyle and Miles gave a look between one another before Lyle laughed and Miles just looked at me. "It's a type of drink that makes you feel great until you wake up the next morning." Miles then spoke. "That's the dumb down version for you at least." 


689 words

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