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I sighed and crossed my arms. "Why do you hate Na'vis so much?" "None of your damn business." I rolled my eyes and leaned back. I pulled out my knife and looked at it then at them. "Move." They moved as best they could. I was able to squeeze in between them and looked at the bottom of the net. I touched the ropes, feeling them. "OW!" I yelled as I felt my hair get pulled. I looked up, glaring. Lyle raised his hands up and pointed to Miles. Miles rolled his eyes and closed them. I looked back down at the net and looked at it. It was just silence for a few minutes as I inspected the ropes of the net.

"Lyle. Stop looking at the kid's ass." "I am not!" My face went red when Miles said was looking at my ass. I shook it off, my cheeks still red. I kept working on the ropes. Another few minutes of silence passed before I felt warm breath in my left ear. "I wasn't staring at your butt." I gave a nod, my face flushing. I felt him lean back. "Just out of curiosity...How does your...Love life work?" I looked up, raising a brow bone. "Pardon?" I asked Lyle. "Like marriage and everything." I looked away for a moment, thinking.

"I suppose we find the person or people we care for enough in a romantic manner. Then we mate, we can choose to have a ceremony to present they are mated or not. It depends on the people." "Hold it there, kid. People?" Miles asked. I nodded and looked at them, a bit confused. "It is normal to be mated to more than one person." "So... You're polyamorous?" I tilted my head at the strange word. "Polyamorous?" "You date more than one person if you want, and your lover can also date more than one person if they want to." I thought about it, tapping my chin. "I suppose in human terms I am that." I spoke before returning to look at the ropes.

"You never told us your name, kid." My ears perked up, slightly. "Awä..." Lyle coughed and tried to pronounce it, but just butchering it. I sighed and pronounced it. "Ah-w-ah." Lyle nodded and the two both pronounced it. I sighed and started to cut the ropes in the right place. "It is close enough at least." "We tried pronouncing your weird, stupid, name." I shot an annoyed glare and spoke in a defensive tone of voice. "It means "Eywa's Blessing"! Have some damn respect!" I hissed.

I finished cutting the ropes and we all fell. I held onto the ropes to make sure I didn't fall onto their weapons. I swung a bit and jumped over them. I landed a bit unevenly and tripped, resulting in me hitting a tree. I groaned and pushed myself away from the tree. I looked over at them and they were getting up. Miles looked at me then his gun then back to me. I gulped and my hand went to my spear. "This is not fair..." I said in a quiet voice. "Life isn't fair, kid." I felt a wave of anger hit me. "I saved you...I could have left you to die!" I hissed, slowly pulling my spear out of its carrier. I backed up slowly and carefully. Miles shrugged and loaded his gun. "But... You didn't."

I hissed before turning and running. I heard bullets flying and not hitting me 'They have terrible aim...' I thought to myself. I ran with my spear in my left hand. I hid behind a tree and crouched slightly, clutching my spear close. I took deep breaths then held them as I held footsteps. "Forget it, she's gone." Miles grumbled and I heard Lyle sigh. "Not gonna lie... She was kinda cute." 'Cute!?' I thought to myself in a panic, and I felt my cheeks get hot. "Shut your damn mouth, Lyle." "Sir, yes, sir!" Lyle responded. I heard their footsteps as they walked away. I sighed and closed my eyes when I couldn't hear their footsteps anymore. I just listened to the nature around me, trying to calm myself down.  


707 Words

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