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I sighed as I was looking at the rain fall from one of the openings in my family's hut. It's been almost three weeks since I last talked to Miles Quaritch and Lyle Wainfleet. I heard footsteps approaching and a soft sigh. I looked as I saw my father sat down across from me. He grunted as he adjusted. He looked at me as I looked back to the rain. "What is it, my daughter?" I sighed and shrugged. "I'm confused." My father looked at the rain and looked at me. "You don't have to speak... Not unless you are truly ready..." I nodded and looked back at the rain.

"Your mother was very happy to have you... After she gave birth to your three older brothers and finding that not one of them was a girl, did make her a bit sad but she was still grateful... You should have seen her face when she had you..." My father smiled and looked at me. He placed a hand on my knee and moved it left and right. "You mean everything to us, Awä. Do not forget that." I looked at my father and smiled, tears falling from my eyes. "I'm so scared and confused, father..." He moved closer and pulled me into his embrace.

He hummed a soft melody as he smoothed my hair, rocking us slowly back and forth. "I have these feelings that I'm so confused about..." My father nodded, his hand rubbing my shoulder blades. "I will always be here... Either in spirit or in my presence." A tiny sob escaped my lips, and he sighed holding me as close as he could, he kissed my forehead and kept humming. "You've never changed, ma little Awä..." I sniffled and kept my forehead against his shoulder. He hummed, rubbing my back. He looked back at the rain and smiled, resting his head on mine. I heard some soft footsteps coming in, those only belonging to my mother. My father looked at her and gave her a small but sad smile.

My mother knelt down beside us and sighed, running her hands through my hair. My mother put her hands on my shoulders and then slid them down to hold my biceps. She put her head against my back, bottom of the back of my neck. I knew she felt my confusion and my sadness... She always knew. She rubbed my arms and stayed against me. My father put his hand on her shoulder, and they gave each other a look. They then continued to hold me, my father humming and my mother being close. "I see you, my perfect little syulang..." My mother whispered and my father planted another kiss on my head. "I also see you, ma little Awä..." My father spoke as he kissed my head. "I see you... My mother and father..."

My mother smiled, smoothing my hair. "I've fallen in love with two people...." My mother sighed and rubbed my arm. "We know, Awä..." My father lifted my chin and made me look at him, he gave a sad smile. "We also know you can't deny these feelings..." I closed my eyes, tears still falling. "I'm so sorry..." My mother shook her head and pulled back my hair to look at my face. "You cannot help it, Awä. You fell in love, all we can do is be supportive of your decision." I nodded and sniffled, rubbing my nose. I laughed a bit. My father chuckled and raised a brow bone. "What's so amusing to you?" I smiled and spoke with a sad but happy tone. "I feel like a child again..." My mother smiled gently and tilted my chin to look towards her. "You'll always be our child... No matter what age or anything else... You'll always be our daughter." My father nodded in agreement. "Frakrr sì tìʼiʼavay krrä." I smiled and rubbed my teary eyes, nodding. 


655 words

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