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"Ow...MOTHER!" I yelped as she cleaned a deep cut. She hushed me and smacked my hand away, not enough to hurt me. She sighed and kept cleaning, I was trying my hardest not to squirm and move around. My father was sitting and well, you could just see he was contemplating. "OW!" She gave a short hiss which made me shut up. She sighed and shook her head. "Awotso." My mother spoke to my father, he turned his head with a raised eyebrow. "Tell our daughter to stop squirming like a little child before I ask you to hold her down." My father chuckled as he rubbed his cheek, scratching it.

"You should listen to your dear mother; she truly shows no mercy." I huffed and winced back as my brother dabbed some liquid onto my cuts and bruises. "And Awotso when have you started to complain." My father smiled, kindly and softly. "Never, Aatzi." My mother hummed in response, seeming to accept that answer from my father. My father looked at me with some pity but then annoyance.

"You should have gone with your brothers, Awä." I sighed, not wanting this to turn into a total lecture. "I realize that fact father. I needed the relief of being away from the two, as in trying not to kill them." My father held back a chuckle and rubbed his chin, waiting for me to continue. "You know how much I adore the forest and just being by myself. I was running and heard voices. Then saw figures moving...They heard me and started shooting weird metal things. They were small and in a unnormal shape."

"Bullets...Those are called bullets." Jake spoke. "Those things are put into your metal machinery, correct?" My father asked and Jake nodded. My mother immediately started to search for me in case I had any bullet wounds. "I wasn't shot but it was close." "Where?" My mother asked, well more demanded. "Back of my head, but I tripped just before it could hit me." My two brothers snickered when I said I tripped. Ca'uk hit their stomachs shooting glares in their directions.

My father looked at me before speaking. "What did they look like?" I sat up, my mother helping by grabbing my elbow and pushing up. I thought for a second, remembering those two faces which made my heart race. I cleared my throat. "I do not know how to describe them. But they wore these weird green pants, different splotches of shades of green all over." Jake looked at his wife, with a concerned face. "You let them right to our home, didn't you." My father spoke to Jake, with a calm tone.

"Wait, father. They chased me...I ran and did whatever I could to get away. They couldn't follow me once I got to the wall of vines. I disappeared into it; they couldn't get through." "But the wall of vines is all the way across the forest." I nodded. "I couldn't let them find us. I lead them through the most dangerous parts of the forest." My father chuckled before a small, proud grin appeared on his face.

"That's my smart girl." I sighed, knowing. "I'd like to go now father. I'll bring my spear for my safety." My father looked at my mother then back to me with a strict nod. I got up, slowly. I walked to where we had our weapons, I grabbed my spear and its carrier. I put the carrier on and put the spear in it. I gave a small wave before I exited our hut. I started to walk towards the forest. I took a deep breath. 'I need to find them but first I need to understand why they made me feel this way...' 


633 Words

BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora