Departing gift

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4 months later

Olivia was currently sitting in the clinic waiting room, for her name to be called. Stabler and Carisi sat on either side of her, with Fin next to Stabler. Each currently reading some maternal magazines. Olivia didn't want to even fathom what the other patients were imagining.

"I don't get it." Carisi muttered.

"What?" Elliot asked.

"The baby is in your stomach for 9 months right?"

Olivia nodded. "I think it's ten months."

"But why is it that when they are born those ten months don't count." He was genuinely confused.

"What?" Fin snorted.

"You are technically 9-10 months old when you are born." Carisi stated.

"Actually you can't officially confirm the fetus is living until after four months." Stabler blurted out. "So you'd be 5-6 months old."

"And this is why I didn't want either of you to come with me." Olivia grumbled. "Why did you bring them?"

Fin pulled an innocent look. "They ambushed me in the elevator and demanded I tell them where you were. It was two against one Liv. Not much I could do."

For the past four months, Olivia had been feeling off. Morning sickness, weird cravings, and mood changing. She'd snap at her team for no reason and cry for the stupidest of things. She knew what that usually added up to.

Either she had a weird case of some flu. Or she was with child. A child fathered by Rafael Barba. She had attempted to keep it hidden for as long as she could, but Fin caught her one too many times evicting her lunch. She played it off at the flu, but he wasn't stupid. Fin had gone as far as buying her a pregnancy test to clear all doubts. After the fifth test, there was no denying it, but they decided on the ultrasound to clear all minds.

She understood why Carisi and Fin were here with her, but...glancing at Elliot she wondered why he came. Ever since he found out she knew about Barba's 'job' he made it his job to voice his dislike for the man. After their argument a few days ago he had taken it down a notch, but she couldn't help but think he had some agenda against Barba.

"Ms. Benson?" A young male doctor called from the door. He had pretty green eyes that reminded her of Barba.

Getting up from the chair, she had to stop all three males from following. "Don't even think about it."

"Please follow me."

Taking in a deep breath, she followed him into one of the rooms. Laying on the bed, the doctor gently lifted her shirt uncovering her stomach. Her eyes were focused on the ceiling while trying to keep her breaths even. Why was she nervous? She had no clue. Olivia yelped at the sharp coldness from the gel.

"Sorry, should have warned you." He chuckled.

Rolling her eyes, she turned to face the black and white screen to her side. Seeing nothing, her illusions and plans began crumbling down. Then she heard it. Incredible how the sound of a heartbeat can cause so much joy and love.

"And there it is." Staring at the screen, she felt the tears slip. That was her baby. Their baby. "Strong heartbeat. You are just a little over five months." He pulled back and turned to her. "Would you like to know the sex?"

She thought for a moment. She could wait and be surprised by it. But she also wanted to get all the things her baby was going to need. She was kidding to herself if she thought she could wait. "Yes."

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