Officer Down

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The Scene opens up with Ryan out of the hospital, and he is driving a Dodge Charger Enforcer, he is patrolling until he sees a speeding truck, and he pursues it, he calls for backup and then looks at his picture of when he was with his wife, his son Erik, and his younger daughter, Kim. He later sees the truck stop by a parking lot, and then he gets into a Firefight. He grabs his Vest from the trunk and grabs his 6920 Carbine and fires multiple shots. The Backup arrived with Naomi and two other officers, the suspect threw a pipe bomb at a Ford Explorer Police SUV.

Naomi: For Pete's sake, we can't endure that much punishment!

Naomi peeks her head out and is shot in the head, and Ryan shot the Glock and emptied the whole magazine onto the suspect, and he calls for EMS, and then it shows Naomi's funeral as Ryan arrived on a Chevrolet SS, and got off with a formal outfit and he pays his respects to his wife. And then his Daughter and Son paid their respects to their mother.

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