Chapter 2

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The day has come for us to go to the human world. My heart is beating loudly and I'm having some trouble breathing but I know that it's because I'm anxious... I don't want to leave Axes. I don't want to leave him... It's not going to be easy for me to stay away from him... At all. It's going to be hell for me... But, I don't want to just sit in the house and not do anything. I want to accomplish something in my life. I want to work. I want to do something. Be someone. Have my own identity... So, I have to do this... for myself.

I take a step away from the bathroom sink and I stop. I shudder at the ache in my chest. My heart is aching. It is physically aching! Thinking of how he'll be here tonight and I'll be there makes me want to go and tell him to forget everything I said. The idea of being away from him is so f*cking painful! But I can't be so weak.

I gulp, taking the lump down to my stomach. I take deep breaths until I feel calm enough to walk. I get out of the house with Alan and Gustav following me with my luggage.

I see him already seated in the driver's seat, his eyes on his mobile phone. And he kept the door open. I smile... I will miss this... I can't take my eyes away from him. My heart breaks at the sight of him. Every time I think that I can't possibly love him more, my sentiments plow deeper.

I want to ask him to stay with me there. Let Alan handle everything until we come back but that will be extremely selfish on my part. He has things to look after here and I get that... it's just that... I will miss him... so f*cking much! 

I clear my throat and walk to the car. I get in the passenger's seat.

"Kiara. Are you okay?" He looks concerned. Is it showing on my face?

"Yes... why?" I try to sound as convincing as I can.

He takes my palm and kisses it, "You don't have to do that if you don't want to... You know that, right?"

"I know" I urge with the words.

"You will never be a burden for me" If he didn't tell me a hundred times that he can't read my mind, I would ask him again.

"I know..." I smile at him. I'm quite sincere right now. Quite! I know that he will never think badly of me. But for my own self... I need to do this.

"Are you sure about it?" he asks me again.

I nod with much hesitation, "Yes... I'm sure..."

"Okay then..." He gives me my palm another kiss and gently lets go of it to grab the steering wheel.

As the gate opens, I see two other vehicles outside. An Audi R8, and a Volvo. I frown in confusion.

"You're not going to travel by bus when I'm not there." He gets close to me and looks into my eyes.

"So I get to drive?" I'm excited but also a little shocked.

"Hmm" he chuckles, "Gerard will drive. But yes... you will get to drive as well"

I grin in excitement. It's been so long since I placed my hands on a steering wheel.

He takes both of my hands in his, "Promise me that you will always be careful. That you will take care of yourself" His eyes are intense.

Please don't do this Lars! Don't let me go! I don't want to go!  I chew on my words. I look down and nod, "I promise," I say with sincerity.

"And that you will miss me when I'll be here?" He adds in a lighter tone

I giggle, "I promise. Now stop. Please. Else I'll cry"

"Then don't go," he says in a teasing way but I know that he means it. It's only breaking my heart more.

"I have to... once it's done, I'll never ever leave again."

"Okay..." He says softly and he bends down to kiss my forehead, "Then, work hard and come back with that degree."

I smile my heart out. I feel lighter now... happy even, knowing that he stands by my decision. I have his full support. Like always. I want nothing more.

I didn't expect him to let me go that easily. Well..., not easily but I expected more resistance from him. A part of me even thought that he would refuse until the very end and I would end up not going but him supporting me... Even going to drop me off..., makes me realize what kind of man he is... And this makes me respect him even more.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod at him.

Human World, here I come. I think to myself.

He starts the car and we all drive away one after the other...



"Your Majesty. We have found three other bodies" Demetri tells me, "bringing the total up to seventeen"

I close my eyes and sigh.

It all started two weeks before our engagement. One of my human guards was found dead in an alley near the castle.

We took it as a sign of vengeance from Adrian... Dominic's bastard son. But turns out he didn't like his father. The latter's death brought him much joy. After all, It is what ensured his ascension to the throne of Thetos.

My team carried out their investigation and they found out that someone had targeted my human guard as a challenge to Axes' rules. To my rules. He was challenging me.

It was fun at first, knowing that I have a rival who thinks he is strong enough to challenge me but the fun was over the moment we found more dead bodies. He was targeting all humans living in Axes and my mind immediately went to Kiara... I couldn't allow him to keep living... Not when he was a threat to her...

On the night of our engagement, Alan came to report four murders. He had murdered an entire human family and had left a threat for me. He threatened to kill all humans living in Axes. Kiara asked me about it. She must have noticed the change in my expression but I played it off as unimportant.

I haven't told her anything about what has really been happening. I can't tell her. Not after what Dominic did to her... The image of her lifeless body on that bed still haunts me...

The real reason I'm letting her go to the human world is to keep her safe... Since the killings started, I have been staying by her side to protect her... to keep her safe... but the more I stayed with her, the more other people died.

Then came his direct message to me... "Send your fiancée back to where she belongs and she'll remain untouched. This is between you and me."

It was a hard decision... It could be a trick to get Kiara away from me but it seemed highly unlikely. I analyzed his moves and pattern. This was about power. And having Kiara far away from this seemed like the best idea... She will not be with me but Gerard and Gustav will be with her to keep her safe.

She is my sole concern and knowing that she will be safe there in the Human world is why I agreed to let her go back to complete her studies. I won't let any harm come her way. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

"Your Majesty?" Demetri calls me, bringing me aback.

"Prepare a funeral for all of them. Make sure that their families don't lack anything. But do it discreetly. Kiara mustn't know anything about this."

"Sure your Majesty," Demetri says and leaves.

If things were not serious, I would've stayed with her in Human world. I know she wants me to but she doesn't ask me as she's too goodhearted... My Kiara... My sweet Kiara... I love her so f*cking much. I can't bear staying away from her but if this is what it takes to keep her safe, I'll do it without hesitation.


THIS IS IT FOR NOW! END OF CHAPTER 2!! So? Do you like where this is going? What do you think is gonna happen? Who can it be? Is Lars making the right decision? Please do vote and comment! You know how much I love reading your comments!!

Also, stay tuned for Chapter 3!! I'm doing my best to publish one chapter every few days.

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