Chapter 4

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Here comes the first nightmare...

I open my eyes to the guards who are already standing by my bed, waking me up. I was screaming. Crying in my sleep.

I breathe in and out quickly, squeezing my eyes, "not a word to Lars" I order them in a stern voice. I am glad that they are here... I know that a part of him is here with me.

They nod at me but keep standing by my bed.

"Go now" They nod again and leave.

I lie on my back, my hand on my forehead. I look at the ceiling, the images of my nightmare harsh in front of me.

I am standing in the middle of a rocky path, screaming my lungs out.

"Lars!" I scream but he doesn't look back. He can't hear me.

"LARS!" I scream again but he still doesn't hear me.

All throughout the dream, there is a feeling of anguish and extreme fear... of hurt.

His parents are now standing on the same path with a girl and she is smiling at him.

"Lars?" I call, my voice low and cracking this time. Is it what I think it is...?

He takes her hand and I see the ring on her finger. The ring. My ring. I lift my hand up and it's not here. My tears start to fall.

This is wrong. He's engaged to me. I'm alive. Who is she? What is she doing here? Why can't he hear me? Why can't they see me???

I look up again and they are walking away from me. Even Andreas is with them now but none of them can see me. None of them can hear me. It's like I don't exist.

I scream again and again, running after them, but never catching them. At one point, Lars hears me and turns around to look at me. I stop, finally smiling, happy that he has seen me. But... he frowns and turns again...

He doesn't recognize me. 

He doesn't know me.

He wraps his hand around hers and kisses her forehead.

I scream so hard that I fall to my knees. My heart pulsing in between my ribs. Aching... Hard.

That's where the guards woke me up. I squeeze my eyes, making the tears roll into the sides of my hair.

I don't know if I can sleep again. I take a look at my phone. It's five in the morning. There is one unread message.

"I love you"

Three words. Three words and I'm smiling. These three words hold so many feelings... I can hear him say them. I can see his face. His sincerity. I can see the intensity in his eyes...

I call him and we talk for one whole hour. What do we talk about? Everything... we just talk... it comes so so so easily... I just feel complete again. Just hearing his voice makes me feel better...

He is very busy with the rogue vamps wreaking havoc everywhere but he still made time to talk to me... 

When it's time to get up, we say goodbye and I sigh. I wake up and do my morning business. I go to the kitchen to have my breakfast which I don't really feel like having at all without him... I miss him sitting with me. I miss his smile... I miss his presence...

I see the keys of the Porsche on the table and the guards are ready to come with.

"I'm going by bus. You may follow me but don't make it too obvious please." I tell them and text him as well. I don't want to go by car knowing how I will be an attraction which I don't need on my first day. I'm already anxious.

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