Chapter 5

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It's been three weeks since I'm here in Human World. Things have been going well. Studies are going okay. Kall and I have become good friends. Jena has been trying really hard to get me to forgive her and I think that it's working. It will never be like before, but I feel like we can be good friends again. However, the only person missing in my life right is the one who outweighs all the others. Lars...

I haven't seen him since he dropped me off... We videocall all the time. We send each other photos and voice recordings but I haven't seen him in front of me. I can't touch him. Hug him. Breathe in his scent. Kiss him. I can't look into his eyes and tell him how much I love him... And I miss him. I miss him so much.

Sometimes I think of just- quitting and just- run back to him, but then, I think of the short amount of time left until graduation. After all, we have our whole life together... This is only for a few months... It's a sacrifice that I must make. For my sake. For our sake. I want to be his pride. I want his friends and family to love me. To agree with his choice. I don't want them to think of me as a failure. I know what some of them already think... Lars could have done so much better... That's why... That's why I need to do this.

"So, Kiara, what's your fiancé's name?" Kall asks me, breaking my weird train of thought.

I blush when I think of him. Everything about him makes me giddy.

"Lars." Saying his name sends waves to my stomach.

Kall frowns, "Last name?"

I frown at him, "Emerson...?" Why is he asking me that? What is with his facial expression? Does he know something?

He raises his brows and gasps, "You didn't tell me that I'm friends with the future Queen of Axes!" He exclaims in astonishment and excitement.

My jaw drops in shock.

He extends his arm toward my face and closes my mouth, "What's with the jaw drop? A lot of people know about Vampire World Ki, I just happen to be one of them."

I blink several times. I gulp and clear my throat, "So, you—"

"Yes. I've been to Axes several times as well. I heard about His Majesty getting engaged. I didn't know that you're the one he got engaged to."

I look down and flush hard.

Jena comes back to the table with her Slurpee, "Whatcha b*tches talking about?" she asks, and I immediately look at Kall in the eyes, asking him not to say anything.

"About the syllabus this year... So, Jena, I've been meaning to ask you... how come you're doing your final again?" He asks her what I'd been wanting to but couldn't.

"Uh... Well..." she looks embarrassed, "I didn't submit my final dissertation... And I failed two classes." Her tone drops at the end of the sentence.

"What about you?" He asks me now.

"Uhm... I had some personal stuff to... look after." I say shortly.

He can't mask his smile. His lips twist in amusement as he looks at me. He knows what my 'personal stuff' is.

"So, when do we get to meet your fiancé again, Ki?" Jena asks, changing the topic.

"Not for the ti-"

"Again? You mean, you've met L- her fiancé?" Kall interrupts me.

Jena shakes her head in response, "We met her the day he came to drop her off... We were at her apartment and-"

"We?" Kall asks and I look at Jena.

She looks down, not being able to look me in the eyes.

I clear my throat, "Her boyfriend" I say in her place, letting her know that I'm okay with it.

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