Chapter 3

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Driving down the road to my apartment makes me feel awkward. It's been so long. We drive by the campus and I see that some students are already there. Induction maybe. First years.

All eyes are on our cars. The glasses are tinted, they can't see us but we can... and I can see how their eyes are widening. As if royalty is passing by. Well. It is. He is after all the king... But they don't know that.

My heart races a little. I'm seeing so many humans after such a long time. It feels so strange! So damn strange! Am I going to fit in? I feel Alienated. And they are my own kind... how ironic.

I see the buildings. The sun. The crowd and their judgemental glares. The not-so-green trees... the dirty streets. Children. Oh my God. I want to go back!

Without noticing it, I squeeze his hand, breathing quickly.

"Kiara... It's going to be okay..." he comforts me but I only nod at him.

I'm sweating. I'm nervous... scared... I just don't feel at home... I've been disconnected for so long...

I look at the spot where I was kidnapped... Look at where I am today... I look at him and gulp silently. I love him... I can't imagine life without him... I squeeze his hand just a little and breathe out...

"Kiara. Do you want to go back?" He sounds worried.

I cannot answer him right away. It's tough to make a decision. I'm just breaths away from telling him to turn around.

"No" I finally tell him, "I'm okay."

I can't be such a coward.

The route is long and seems to be never-ending. And nostalgia overcomes me from time to time especially when we turn in my street. I didn't I'd have to come back here ever again. This part of my life held so many bad things... Bad memories...

I look at him and smile. He made everything go away. The bad memories... the loneliness... everything. He is my comfort. My solace. My home...

Soon, we reach my apartment. We meet again building... I speak inside my head. He goes to park the car and speak to the security. The guards are with me, carrying the bags. We are standing in front of the building... The same old building. It is not old looking at all... but it's just how I see it. Windows one above the other. Pale maroon colored walls. Little terraces with decorative plants.

If I had the money, I would buy a better apartment. But when my parents died, I couldn't keep the house because of the loan. With the little money left, it was the only place I could afford. I liked it though. It was my home once. It still is anyway. Legally...

I take out the keys from my bag and enter the building. I couldn't believe it when he told me that he still had my keys. He kept them. All that time...

I take the stairs and stand in front of my apartment. Number twenty-one, Kiara Myers... I let out a deep breath and turn the key.

I stand in front of my doorway, shocked. I see Evan and Jena on the couch, their heads turned toward me. They look shocked as well.

"Kiara???" Evan is the one to speak first. His voice is filled with surprise and disbelief. I stand frozen.

"Kiara!!" He shouts once again, smiling this time. A broad smile. He gets up from the couch and moves towards me with his arms wide open.

I cannot react. I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't expecting to see them ever again. I didn't even think about it.

But, what are they doing here??? How did they get in??? Jena. She had the spare keys.

The guards pull me back and place me in between them, protecting me.

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