Chapter 6

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I wake up to the guards pounding on my door. I curse under my breath and get up from bed. I open the door sleepily, "what is it???" I ask them in an irritated voice.

I frown when I see them in tears... barely being able to hold themselves. Apprehension grips me.

"Gerard. What is it?" I ask again. In fear this time.

"Hi—His Majest- His Majesty's -dead—"

My heart shrivels at his words, and I faint.

I am woken up by someone sprinkling droplets of water on my face. I open my eyes to see the guards' worried faces bent onto mine.

I wake up in shock when I hear Gerard's words resonating in my head. I get up in a rush with my heart already pounding inside my chest.

"I don't know what's going on. I don't know-- Why you're lying but I need you to take me home! Now!!!" I order them in frustration.

They stand in place, watching me with concern as if I'm crazy.

"Didn't you hear what I just said!!! TAKE ME TO LARS NOW!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can.

My mind is in a rush. I just don't believe this. Lars dead? That's impossible! I need to go to Axes right now. I need to see him. I need to—

I am going out of breath. I can feel my lungs squeezing and my entire body feels hot. I bend down and take in as much air as I can, trying to calm myself down. My head is spinning badly.

I know that it's not true. He can't die. It may be a trick or a surprise, but I need to get there as soon as possible. I need to see him right away.

I rush out of the house and get in the car. Gerard and Gustav get in the car as well, but they do not say a word. Gerard starts the car while Gustav sits with me at the back.

"Give me your phone," I tell Gustav almost brusquely. I am restless.

I dial Lars' number as soon as he gives me his phone. He is not picking up. I call again. And again. Until he finally picks up.

"Lars!!!" I exclaim in relief.

"Kiara......" I hear the queen's voice on the phone, low and cracking, in tears.

"Your Majesty, where is Lars? Please put him on, I need to speak to him" I tell her in a gruff voice. I don't care if she's royalty. I need to talk to Lars. I need to hear his voice. I don't know what a sick joke this is, but I need to know that he's okay.

There is only silence on her part.

"Hello????" I pull the phone from my ear to see if the call is still on.

"Why aren't you answering me??????" I shout on the phone and Gustav snatches the phone from me.

"What the hell Gustav!!! Give me that phone back!!!!" I shout but I can feel my voice cracking.

"Miss, please calm down." He tells me as calmly as he can as if I'm crazy.

"Gustav, give me the phone," I tell him in a stern voice.

My body's in searing heat. My heart rate is not slowing down. My lungs feel like they have been caged, making me breathless.

"Please, take this and then you can have the phone..." he gives me a pill.

I frown at him. What the f*ck is he thinking????

"Please?" he requests in the gentlest way possible, and I sigh. I take the pill from his hand and swallow it without any water.

"Now. The phone?" I ask him and he slowly gives me the phone.

I take it and tap on the keypad. My brows pull together as I feel my vision blacken. I close my eyes for a second and shake my head to clear my head. I open my eyes again and bend onto the screen, trying to focus but my vision only keeps getting darker.

The phone falls from my hands and as I look down on my lap to pick it up, I feel my arms drop to my sides as well. My neck feels so heavy that I let go of it, letting my head bend downward. I take a deep breath as I feel my heart rate slowing down.

I struggle to keep my eyes open, but they feel heavier every time I try to widen them. The last thing I know is me bending onto Gustav to ask him what he gave me, but my upper body drops into his lap instead.


"Miss, wake up, we have arrived" Gustav's voice makes its way into my fuzzy brain.

I wake up with a feeling that my brain has turned to mush. I struggle hard to get my eyes to open. My mouth feels dry, and my head is aching. My neck still feels heavy, but I regain my thinking capabilities as soon as I realize where I am.

I use my palms to lift my upper body and look outside. We are at the castle, and I see tons of vehicles parked outside. I grunt as I fight to gain control of my motor skills.

I open the door and get out of the car with my body still wobbly. I stop for a second and take deep breaths in the hope to clear my mind.

As soon as I feel in control enough, I run to the door and rush inside. As I make my way to his room, I see more and more people standing along the corridors, crying. The feelings I was having earlier at my apartment begin to resurface.

I don't have time to look around. I don't have time to talk to them. I need to see him. Lars. My Lars. I need to hold him in my arms.

"Kiara!" I hear Clara's voice just before I reach his room. I turn around to see her in tears, crying, her face all red and her eyes all puffy. I frown, breathing loudly now. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

I don't answer, instead, I squeeze my way through the crowd and walk to his door. I see the King and Queen standing on the side. The king holding onto the queen who is sobbing.

Apprehension is here. Fear is here. I suddenly feel scared. Scared of what is waiting for me in that room.

I am no longer running. Instead, I am taking tiny steps and with each step, my heart is knocking a little bit louder.

The queen pulls back from her husband's embrace and sees me, "Kiara..." she says in a painful voice.

I look at her, then look at the middle of the room. Slowly. With my mouth open to help me breathe.

And I see it. I see him. In the middle of the room. On a type of table. His eyes are closed. He is not breathing. I stop in my tracts, my body gone completely numb.

Tears make their way to my eyes, and I just look at the table. Mummified in place. Unable to talk. Unable to lift a finger.

"Kiara..." The queen says again but I can't look at her. I am only looking in front of me. I am only looking at him on that table. Lifeless.

My tears are rolling down my cheeks one after the other, but I can't move a finger.

"Miss" a voice calls me, but I can't respond.

"Miss, look at me!" the voice calls again, shaking me brusquely.

My neck goes back and forth, and I finally gasp but this is it... After that, I collapse.

Awakened (Twisted Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ