Chapter 9

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I look at my reflection in the mirror and exhale. You can do this. I reassure myself.

Kall and Jena have thrown me a party. They said that I didn't let them throw me one for my birthday, so they get to throw me one for having graduated and having gotten the job at Meyka. It's not a big party or whatever. Just a little something to celebrate my achievements.

I kept refusing them but now that my company is sending my team to Custan Island for a project, they insisted that I let them have the party before I leave.

Honestly, I don't feel like partying... I'm not mourning anymore... I've come to terms with the fact that he's not coming back, and I must move on, but I still miss him. I still cry when I come across something that reminds me of him. I cry every time I realize that he's gone, and I will never see him again. I guess you never heal from that kind of loss. You just make do with it because you have to...

There are some things that I can't even do anymore. Some shows that I can never watch again. Some songs I can never listen to. Just thinking of them makes my heart ache... I tried listening to running up that hill, but I started crying as soon as the song started and ended up returning home, sick.

I made up my mind since then to not force anything on myself. I can't expect to be fully normal ever again. If there are things that I can no longer do, so be it.

"You ready?" Jena asks as she enters my room.

I look away from the mirror and look at her, "mm hm".

"You look beautiful!" She says with awe in her voice.

I chuckle, "Thank you, you, too!" I tell her. She does look gorgeous in her dark red dress. She has curled her hair and has done a classic red lip.

"Let's go," she says and opens the door for us to go out.

I let out a puff of air and slowly walk through the door.

"Congratulations!!!" the people cheer as they see me, and I give them a shy but broad smile.

"Thank you, everyone," I tell them with a rushing heart.

As I look at the crowd in front of me, I see Kall standing in the middle, giving me this smile with sparkles in his eyes. I smile when I see him.

Kall and I have grown really close. He's the only one I have allowed into my inner circle. I feel closer to him than to Jena. I trust him. I feel comfortable with him. I feel safe with him. After all, he's the one who has lived with me all these months...

He gets away from the crowd and comes to me. He bends toward me and gives me a tight hug, "I'll miss you, Kiara".

"I'll miss you too, Kall". I hug him, pressing my cheek into his chest. There is something that I haven't told him yet. Something I haven't had the courage to tell him... I'm leaving for Custan in two days. I'll be there for a month but when I come back, I'll be moving out... Meyka has offered me a place to stay, and I have accepted...

He has been nice enough to let me stay with him. And honestly, he's the best roommate one could possibly get but it's time I move out and move on. Soon, he'll find someone, and he'll want to live with her. I don't want to impose or cause any trouble. I haven't told him yet as I know he'll be sad and will insist on me staying... but, I'm doing the right thing. He hasn't had time for himself since he's been living with me.

He pulls back and we walk to a corner where there aren't any people, "Can't they shorten the trip? Is one month really necessary?"

I laugh, "No, and yes. We'll be in touch, Kall. You know that right?" I want to tell him... but I can't... Not right now. It'll hurt him too much. I'm hoping that he meets someone when I'm not here... It'll be easier to tell him then.

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