Chapter 6

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After I finally got Mike back to the ally, I saw Vincent up to bowl.

"Yeah, Vince! You got this!" I shouted causing all of this friends to start shouting too.

"Guys!! Quiet down.." Vincent told us. "I need to focus."

I chuckled and sat down beside Kellin.

He took a deep breathe and slowly walked up the ally, got on all fours, put his hands on top of the ball and finally pushed it with every force in him.

We all leaned forward dramatically and waited for the ball to hit the pins. When it did, we all jumped up in excitement clapping and yelling. It was a strike.

Vincent turned around and threw his hands up in the air, jumping up and down.


After cheering for a few more minutes and the other 3 friends of Vincent, it was finally Kellin's turn. The moment I've been waiting for.

"Your up, Kels." Mike told him with a pat on the back before sitting down.

Kellin nervously stood up and walking over to get a ball. He walked up to the ally and looked back to us.

"You got this, Kellin." Frenchi said. She had gotten off of work a few minutes ago and decided to join us.

Kellin turned back around and took a deep breath and rolled the ball.

"Gutter ball!" The machine said

Kellin groaned, "I hate bowling."

"It's really easy. Here," I got up and walked over to Kellin. I grabbed the ball and gave it to him. "Hold it like this."

I put my hands over his, while his was on top of the ball, and press myself up against his back getting in position. He put his fingers in the hole and we bent over a bit before rolling the ball. I let go of him and watched it roll under it hit the pins, us getting a strike.

"Woooooo!!! We did it!" Kellin cheered before turning to me an putting his hands up for it high five. We high fived and went to sit back down. Bowling was something Mike and I used to do a lot when we were younger€ so we both were pretty certain to get all strikes, but I was not going to lose this game. Not in front of Kellin, at least, but I know Mike wouldn't want to lose especially since Frenchi was here with us. He most defiantly wanted to impress her.


After about 30 more minutes of none stop bowling, it was down to the last rounds. Mike and I were tied and I was not going down without a fight.

It was Mike's turn. He got up and grabbed a bowl before rolling like a pro, but only knocking down 8 pins. Still, he walked back over to us with a smirk on his face. The kids cheered as usual for him.

Up next was me. I nervously walked over to the ball and grabbed one before making my way over to the ally . I took a breath to calm myself down and rolled the ball. I closed my eyes and didn't open them until I heard cheering from everyone. I though I had won until I looked back at the pin to see only 7 has been knocked over.

I rolled my eyes when my Mike did a victory dance in front of me.

"Whatever, I'll get you next time." I told the dancing monkey with an eye roll.

Kellin walked over to me, "Don't worry, Vic. I think that was a great game."

I smiled, "Thanks, Kellin. Hey, maybe somebody I can teach you how to bowl like we do."

"I'd like that," He smiled at me before placing a kiss on my cheek.

My cheeks instantly went 50 shades of red, but his eyes widened.

"I am so sorry! Oh, my god, I have no idea why I did that. I'm so sorry." He freaked out and quickly walked away.

I was going to go after him, but I felt a tug of my shirt.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." I looked down and saw Vincent.

"Okay," I told him before turning to the group. "Do you guys wanna head out and grab a bite?"

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry. I could go for a burger." Frenchi spoke.

"Annnnd its settled." I said before grabbing my jacket. Everyone got up and started to walk out.

I walked behind all the kids just incase someone walks slow, which in this case no one because pretty much everyone was hungry.

I noticed Kellin walking fairly slow, though. I jogged over to him silently and poked his shoulder.

"Hey." I spoke first

He looked at me and smiled, "Hi."

He was indeed very adorable.

"How was your night?" I asked him trying to make small talk.

"It was pretty great," He squealed out. "How was yours?"

"My day was awesome. Got to play some kickass bowling and though I lost, I got kissed on the cheek by a really attractive fella." I told him with a nudge

He blushed madly. Man was he cute.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said with a shy smile.

"Its fine, really. I kinda liked it." I flirted.I hope this was going well.

He blushed again but didn't say anything.

We walked the rest of the way out in silence. When we got out, the kids were waiting for me on the curve.

"There he is! Let's go." I heard from one of the boys mouth.

"Look both ways!" Vincent told them before doing so and crossing the street to my car.

I smiled. I've taught him so well.

Mike and Frenchi were also at the curve waiting for us, which confuses me. How long did we take? Oh well.

Mike turned to me, "Where are we going?" His arm was around her.

"Uh, it doesn't really matter to me. If you have a place in mind, I'll just follow you." I told him.

He nodded. "Frenchi, do you have a place in mind?"

She put a finger on her chin, thinking. "Do you guys like sea food?"



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