Chapter 8

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I grabbed a new paper towels and started to wipe the places on my face that were bleeding. I knew they would start to bruise soon. I sighed and grabbed my backpack from the floor and looked through it. I think I had makeup in here somewhere. Once I found the makeup, I started to apply it to the wounds on my face. When I was done, I looked at the bruises on my body and hissed when I touched them. Everything hurt.

Instead of going back to class, I just decided to go back home. I knew my parents wouldn't be home, but I know Coco, the nanny, and my little 5 year old sister would be.

It took me about 8 minutes before I finally arrived at my huge 3 story house. My parents were the owners of the biggest company in the country, which would explain why our home is so big.

I walked in only to be met by Jeffery, Ace, and Lex, my 3 dogs. Ace jumped on me and I hissed before petting him.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said talking to them, even though they couldn't talk back.

"Kellin?" Coco said walking in from the kitchen. I could tell because she was drying her hands. Coco is 21 and is the closest thing I have to a mother. She used to have a 6 year old son until he drowned in a pool one day at a friends birthday party, which is why she decided to become a nanny.

"Yeah it's me, Co." I told her, taking off my jacket and hanging it on the coat hanger.

"Home from school already? Its only," She started before looking at her watch, "10:21 meaning school started an hour ago. What are you doing here so early?"

"I just got a little sick and didn't feel like staying. Where's Katie?" I asked her polity not really wanting to talk about it.

"Napping. Matter-of-fact it's time to eat. Would you mind going up stairs and getting her?" Coco asked me.

"Of course." I replied before going up the first set of stair.

Kate is my life. My parents are always at work or on business trips and rarely have time to take care of her or even have time for us. I'm pretty used to it so I actually don't mind. I just don't want Kate growing up in an atmosphere like this.

I knocked softly, incase she was already awake, before walking in to see her sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Hi, princess." I greeted her.

"Kellin!!!" She yelled excitedly before jumping out of bed and coming to hug me. I got down on both my knees and opened my arms for her to hug me in. I laughed a little when she hugged me. It had only been about 4 hours since earlier this morning, but I missed her and I could tell the feeling was mutual.

"How was your day?" I asked her putting her on my hip before walking out of my room and up another flight of steps to get to my room.

"It was boring! I didn't do anything at school today because people were taking a test." She explained.

I opened the door to my room and sat her down on my bed before walking over to my closet. She was only 5, but she was really smart. We'd been home schooled a few years back so my mom decided to start teaching her things at age 3.

"Hmm, sounds boring. Want to go out for ice cream after lunch?" I asked her knowing she'll say yes. It was her favorite.

"Yes!!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled, "Okay go downstairs and tell Coco about our plans while I get dressed."

She nodded and ran out of my room.

I smiled before shaking my head and pulling out a new set of clothes. I didn't like wearing the same clothes I wear at school, at home.

After I was finished changing, I walked downstairs to see Katie eating SpongeBob shaped mac n cheese. I smiled and walked into the kitchen. Coco was putting a bit of mac n cheese for herself in a small bowl.

"Do you want any?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Nah, I ate a lot at school." I lied

"Nope, you're going to eat some even If its just a little," She said to me before handing me a bowled of mac n cheese.

I groaned and took the bowl. I went over to the other side of the table next to Katie and sat down.

"Slow down Kate, you'll get yourself sick." Coco told Katie

She pouted and looked at me, "Kelly! Hurry and eat so we can go get ice cream."

I smiled and nodded.

Where would I be without them?


After they were done, we all got up, put our jackets on and left the house. The shop was about 5-10 minutes away from us which is why we were walking.

Katie was happily skipping down the sidewalk while me and Coco were having a "mother"/son bonding time.

"So how is school going?" She asked me. This was the one question I was dreading because I was a really bad liar when it came to things like this.

I chuckled nervously, "It's going."

I honestly didn't know what to tell her. I didn't want her to get worried about me because knowing her, she will.

"What do you mean? Kellin, you know you can tell me anything right? You know I will never judge you." She explained, and I knew that.

'"Yeah, it's just really complicated to explain." And it was. I didn't know where to even begin.

"Its okay, take your time. I'm right here to listen." She nudged me, making me smile. This was one of the many of reasons I loved her. She listened.

"Well, its just, school honestly makes me want to shoot myself. The kids there are terrible and idiotic and overall bullies. I've been going to this school for 4 days and already I'm a target to this group pf people. The only thing keeping me going at the moment is you and Kate," I paused glancing at her and Kate.

"I feel like my parents don't give two shits about me nor Kate. I mean, why have children if you're not going to care for them in the slightest? I just do not understand them." I spilled my guts to her

"Kellin," She started, "They care. I know they do, they just have a weird way of expressing it. They have jobs to attend everyday to support you and your sister. I know it might seems like you mean nothing to them, but you and Kate are their pride and joy."

"And for the kids at school? Try to ignore them, they're just jealous that you're so much better than them in every way possible. Just don't let them get to you and if we need you to switch school, then we will do that." She reassured

"Thanks co," I told her with a genuine smile

After that talk, we just talked about what else was going on in our lives. By the time were done, we were walking up to the ice cream shack. Kate was jumping up and down excitedly.

I chuckled, "What do you want, princess?"

"I want chocolate and vanilla in a cone!!" She said her eyes practically lit up.

"And you?" I turned and asked Coco.

"Uhm, the caramel sunday please," She said while taking out her wallet.

"No no," I said taking her wallet and putting it back in her purse. "My treat."

"Well if you insist." She said, I knew she would never pass up free ice cream.

I ordered for the both of them and we waiting about 3 minutes until a man brought us our ice cream.

"Do you guys wanna go to the park across the street?" Coco asked us both

We both nodded and we were on our way.


shoutout to jj & hannah & our mom teia

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