Chapter 9

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*A week later because I forgot about this story and I have no idea where I left off at okay lets go*

It's been a full week since I've met Vic and I've got to say, I've been a lot happier hanging out with him then I've been in a while. He's so very kind and such a gentlemen. Coco even approved of him. I think it's save to say I may or may not have developed a tiny crush on him. 

His gorgeous, shoulder length hair that blows in the wind, his beautiful smile that can light up this whole town, the way he holds the door open for me when we get in his car. Just the simplest things he does can make my entire day in a heartbeat.

It was Saturday and we were currently sitting in the living room lying down on my couch with my sister and coco. Not so much Coco because she was talking to a guy she had recently met at the Ice cream place. They hit it off pretty well and I'm happy for her. We were currently watching The Maze Runner, though I had seen it 3 times already.

Vic was sitting next to me with Katie and Vince sitting on the 2 persons chair playing with katie's dolls. I looked over at Vic. He was so focused on the movie he didn't notice that I was admiring his beauty. I was so focused on him that I didn't realized he had turned to look at me.

"What?" He said.

Shit. Nice going kellin. I could feel myself blushing deeply. I looked down hiding my hair in my face. I felt him scoot over a little closer to me and tilt my head up. He brushed the hair out of my face and started into my eyes. It was like he was reading my soul. I loved it.

"Nothing, I was just wondering." Goddamn it kellin. Way to dig yourself in a hole.

"Wondering what?" Oh fuck. I kinda saw that coming. I didn't actually have a question, though. 

"Are you a top or bottom?" I said and immediately covered my mouth the second it came out. 

He looked at me for a few seconds. Is he even gay? Oh god. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He's not gay. Shit. I have just completely ruined every chance I had. I fucked up.

He smirked and leaned back and continued  watched the movie. What? Isn't he suppose to yell and leave? I mean, he isn't gay, right?

All through out the day I've been wondering the same question. Is Vic gay? I mean, he's never officially came out to me and said, "I am gay." God he makes me so frustrated.

It was 5:45 and Vic asked if we can go to my room. I know he didn't mean it in a sexual way because I know he wasn't like that. Or at least I hope..

We made it to the 3 floor and went straight to my room shutting the door behind me. He looked around my room. "Your taste in music is really great."

"My taste in music is your face." I attempted to flirt, obviously failing.

He laughed and went over to my book shelf in the corner.

"So what do you usually do up here?" He asked me checking out everything in my room.

"Nothing really, mostly of the time I'm hanging out with my friends or on instagram and tumblr." I told him honestly. I walked over to my king sized bed and lied on it. I could feel that my shirt had risen a little, but maybe if I show a little skin he'll kind me attractive.

"Relatable." He replied and joined me on my bed but instead he was sitting crisscrossed and staring down at me.

I giggled, "So tell me some things about you. I don't really know a lot."

"Well, what do you wanna know?" He asked.

 "Are you into guys?" I said bluntly. I just needed to know.

He just smiled, "You tell me," 

Before I knew what was happening, he planted a kiss on my lips. Though it only lasted about 5 seconds, I still savored his taste. He tasted like juicy fruit gum. 

When he pulled away, I blushed deeply. "So, yes?"

He laughed, "Yes, I'm into guys, but I'm not gay. More like bi."

That means I had a chance! I silently cheered inside of head, "Oh cool."

"Tell me more, It feels like we're strangers!" I said.

"Well, I was born and raised in San Diego, California. I have 2 brothers. Uh, my favorite bands are Simple Plan, All time low, Asking Alexandria, We Came As Romans, etc.. Uhm, my favorite foods are sushi and shrimp pasta and my favorite movie is Wayne's World." He explained. Well I'll be damned.

"I love those bands!" I exclaimed. This was so great.

"I can tell by the way your room is organized." He said poking my sides slightly making me giggle. He's so silly.

"Why'd your parents have another child?" I asked hoping its not too personal.

I saw him tense. "Probably because they just wanted another kid. 'm not really sure."

I nodded in understandment (wtf is that even a word)

"Hey, how do you feel about people who get pregnant in high school?" Well that's an odd question.

"Uh, well I think they should wait. I mean, I know they are only in high school.. I understand that high schoolers go crazy sometimes but I don't think raising a kid and being in high school at the same time is a good thing. I think people should wait until after high school to start raising kids. But I mean i'm not saying if you have a kid in school is a mistake I just don't think it's very responsible. It's very hard to pull that off, from what I can tell. I don't think I can support someone who has a kid in that young, honestly." I explained.

 Did I talk too much? Because after I was done he looked sick to his stomach. Did I offend him in any way? 

"Oh.. cool, uhm listen.. I had a really nice time here, but I just realized my mom wanted us back for dinner.." He started while getting up and grabbing his jacket from my computer desk chair. Well okay..

"Yeah, sure, it's fine. Maybe another time? Yeah?" I asked hopefully. 

"Yup." He replied before walking out of my door. I followed him downstairs incase he got lost. It was a pretty big house.

When I got downstairs I saw Vince putting on his shoes and tying them neatly. I smiled. He's such a great kid.

I walked over to the door and waited for them to be finished. When they were, they walked towards me and out the door they went. But before they left, I grabbed Vic by his arm and pulled him close to me wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt him hug back, his hands on my lower back.

"I had an awesome time. Text me when you get home?" I asked after pulling away.

He smiled slightly and nodded. He turned around and continued walking. Did I do something wrong? He seemed a little upset. Oh well, maybe it's nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and closed the door before leaning against it and smiling to myself. Vic is so great. Amazing how good of a boyfriend he would be. I squealed and ran up to my room. I love life.

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