Chapter 10

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I. hate. life. It's been 5 hours since Vic left and he still hasn't texted me. I mean, I didn't say anything wrong right? I didn't think so..

I groaned and threw myself on my bed. It's 10 pm and I had already eaten and showered. Oh! I have an idea! Let's find Vic on social media! I got up from my bed and went over to my Mac Book on my computer desk. I opened Twitter and Instagram, in different tabs, and search Vic Fuentes in the Twitter tab first.

Vic Fuentes didn't come up but Piercethevic did. Hmm, nice name. I'd have to make note and ask him about it. I followed him and scrolled through his feed. His last twitter update was 2 hours ago. It read, "Just put Vince to bed. Night xo." So that's why he wasn't answering.. he was asleep! He didn't hate me! This is good news.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ding. I slung my head to the right and just staring at it for a few seconds before I finally progressed that It could be Vic who texted me. I ran over to my bed and flung myself over it to my nightstand and yanked my phone off the charger. I was right! It was Vic!

Vic: Hey, kels. Sorry to leave in such a hurry, I kinda had things to do..

Kellin: Oh! it's totally fine! Maybe next time you can stay for dinner, yeah?

Vic: You bet your buns Hun ;)

I giggled. He's so silly. It's one of my favorite things about him, actually.

Kellin: hey before I forget! I found your Twitter :)

*5 Minutes later*

Vic: Oh really? Uh, did you look through it?

Kellin: Well I saw the last 3 tweets, but that's it. I'll respect your privacy :)

Vic: Thanks, kels. Really. There's some things on there that I'm not proud of. Just please promise me not to look through it?

I frowned. What's so bad that he didn't want me to see? I shrugged. Maybe it was something about one of his ex's or something.

Kellin: I promise! On Monday i will pinky promise, if you want?

Vic: haha nah, it's cool. I trust you.

My heart fluttered. Vic trusted me. I squealed and started to jump on my bed. Vic trusted me! Vic trusted me! Vic f.ucking trusted me! My phone dinged and that's when I realized I forgot to text him back.

Vic: Hey I'm gonna head to bed, okay?

Kellin: Yeah! See you Monday. Oh and I trust you too! xoxo

Vic: Hahah. Goodnight, kels. xo

And after that, I fell back on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. I. Love. Life.


"Kellin! Wake up! Pleaseee, I wanna go to the park!" I heard a squealing little girl say.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down next to me on the bed. I started tickling her and as soon as she started laughing, so did I. Her laugh was contagious.

"S-s-to-p! O-okay! U-u-ncle! Unc-l-le!" She said in between laugher

I giggled. "Okay you little munchkin, out of my room so I can get ready. We have a long day ahead of us!"

She giggled again before exiting my room. I sighed happily. What am I gonna do with her?


After we finished getting dressed, we ate and on to the park we went.

"Hey, Kate?" She looked up at me. "Do you wanna stop by the pizza plaza and pick up a pizza or just head to the park?"

She put her hand on her chin and pretended to think. "Hmm, pizza!"

"Pizza it is. Let's go back home and get my car, the pizza place is too far and I don't feel like walking. Common'." I told her.

"Can you carry me? My feet hurt." She complained.

I kneeled down and let her get on my back. God, she weighed like 2 pounds.

I felt her messing around with my hair and then out of no where she started to giggle. "You have long hair just like Vic!"

Vic. Just hearing his name makes me wanna see him. Maybe him and Vince could join us.

"Hey katie, how would you feel with Vic and his brother joining us?" I asked. I knew she'd be excited. Vincent was her best friend.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Kellin call him! pwsssss!" She wiggled around on my back so I let her down. Once I did, she did a really cute happy dance. I laughed.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Vic's number. It rang for a few seconds and on the 4th ring, he answered.

"Hello?" He sounded out of breath. Makes me wonder what he was doing, but I wasn't gonna ask.

"Hey are you busy?" I asked. I didn't want to invade in his privacy.

Vic's POV (ha didn't see that coming did cha)

"Harder!" I squealed to Mike.

"Faster!" Just a little while longer...

"Fuck, Mike! Faster!" Damn it.

"Almost there.. just 15 more seconds.." I told him.

"Annnnnd, done!" I said. Finally. He was done.

He threw his sticks on the ground and flung himself to the floor where his water bottle was. Mike entered himself (LOL that's actually possible I've seen it) in a drum contest and to be the best, he needed to go faster and harder. I was helping him practice.

"W-w-we a-are do-n-ne fo-r the da-y." Mike said out of breath. I laughed and nodded before running up the basement stairs and to the kitchen to get myself water.

As I was running to the kitchen, my phone rang. Who calls now a days? I looked at the caller ID and laughed. Of course he does.

"Hello?" I was breathing heavily as I opened the fridge. I pulled out a water bottle and drunk a sip.

"Hey are you busy?" He asked.

"Uh," I looked around the house to see no one in the living room. I shrugged. "Nah, I'm just sitting on my kitchen counter, alone, drinking water."

"Okay, good. Wanna join me and katie? We're going to the pizza plaza." He said.

"Yeah! I mean, sure whatever man." Way to embarrass yourself Vic. I face palmed and rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, "Okay then, and do you mind bringing Vincent? Katie really wants to play with him."

"Yeah, sure. I'll find him around here somewhere." I said and looked around the living room again. All I saw was our cat, Gabe, playing with our dog, Jack.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 2:30." I looked over at the clock to see it was 1:50. Oh shit.

"Yup, see you soon." I told him. We ended the call and I immediately went upstairs to pick out an outfit.

I went through my closet and decided on a black tank top, black skinny jeans and my red SnapBack (one of the outfits he wore to warped tour ok). I took a 10 minute shower and quickly got dressed. When I looked at the clock, it read 2:15.

Goddamn it, where's my child?!

"Vincent?!" I hollered. Where the hell could he be?

I ran around the whole house twice and by the time I was done, the door bell rang.

"Shit!" I yelled out loud. I looked around the living room one last time before taking a deep breath and calming walking over to the door.

When I opened the door, I expected to see Kellin and his little sister. Oh but boy I was waaaay off.

"Vincent? Mike?" I stared shocked at the scene before my eyes. There were 2 police officers and there stood both Mike and Vincent in hand cuffs. This was not what I wanted.


hahahahhahahahha cliff hangers are my favorite ;) xoxo

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