Chapter Three

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Astoria couldn't believe her eyes, it was really him. She hadn't seen him in six years, since they were Eighteen-years-old and it had not ended pretty. Her first instinct was just to just slam the door frantically, grab her things, and apparate to who knows where but she was practically frozen. Eyes wide, mouth slightly agape.

"Astoria... Hello." Sebastian said, slightly sheepishly. "Look, I know what you're gonna say but it's really important that I must talk to you."

"What are you doing here? I- We haven't even spoken in years!" Astoria said, completely ignoring what he had just said. "And we promised to not-."

"Yes, I know we promised not to speak to each other unless we had to," Sebastian said, finishing her sentence. "But look, this is really important like I said earlier. If you don't listen to me, you might regret it. And I promise this is strictly a business thing, nothing funny."

Astoria sighed deeply, Sebastian was a man of his word and had kept the promise they had made not to speak to each other six years ago. After a strained relationship of two years, it had finally ended with both parties trying to act as if they had never wanted to see each other again. A nasty way to end it, but Astoria told herself she would never look back, although she didn't know how well she had kept that promise.

She looked around to see if anybody was watching on the streets or through windows, to be fair it was midnight so the town was pretty much all asleep.

After she made sure no one was there, she snatched him by the collar of his shirt, "Fine, but come in before you wake up half the town, genius." she said gruffly, pulling him inside.

A grin appeared on Sebastian's face, "Seems your spark hasn't been snuffed out." He said. "Hey, no funny business, remember?" Astoria stated, cocking an eyebrow at him. Sebastian gave a shrug, "Just being honest."

Astoria wrapped the robe more tightly around herself and sat down. "Now, before I kick you out for another six years, what are you here for?" She said, tapping her foot impatiently. Sebastian looked around as if investigating the Study. "Is anybody else here in the house?" He inquired.

Astoria shook her head. "Good, can't risk anybody hearing this." He stated, leaning against one of the walls with his arms crossed. Astoria's eyes drifted to his biceps which were slightly flexed through his cuffed sleeve while he crossed his arms. "Focus, Astoria, don't make this weird." She thought to herself, snapping herself out of the gaze she had just held.

"Why is it so important that people don't hear this?" She asked, confused.

Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. "I was visiting Feldcroft a few weeks ago, to see Anne, and while on my way there, I overheard some travelers talking about a group of people that had been attacking caravans and random people who they came across." He said.

Astoria remembered that Sebastian and his Twin sister Anne had reconciled right after Sebastian had ended his final year at Hogwarts. She had left after everything that happened with their Uncle and Sebastian was worried she wouldn't ever come back, luckily she did but she was still cursed and it had gotten worse than before. Astoria couldn't imagine what it was like for her now.

"Then one of them said a name I can never forget," Sebastian said, his voice sounding almost in despair. "They said the people called them Rookwood's followers and that they were back for revenge on someone." His eyes seemed to have darkened at the name Rookwood.

Victor Rookwood was the one who cursed Anne and tried to kill Astoria while working both with and against Ranrok. Astoria's mouth fell agape slightly, very confused.

"But- I thought I killed Rookwood!" She exclaimed, almost getting up from her seat. Sebastian nodded, solemnly. Astoria hoped Sebastian was joking but at the same time, Rookwood had inflicted so much on the both of them, She didn't think Sebastian would ever even try to joke about it. Even he wouldn't go that low. She vividly remembered countering his spell... How could he have survived?

"That's what I thought too, that's what everybody thought. It's not just a faction of people keeping up his Legacy, it's actually him and he's after you." Sebastian spoke. "I would have never broken the promise of speaking to you unless I felt I needed to. But this is serious, and I could never live with myself knowing I knew what was going on and didn't warn you."

Astoria's heart dropped. Here he was, Sebastian Sallow, a boy– now a man, who she had promised herself that she would never speak to. Someone who she had tricked herself into thinking she loathed and never wanted to see again. Here he was, still trying to protect her after all of these years, after everything he went through for her.

Victor Rookwood was back and his followers were already with him again. "I– I'm not sure how to respond to this," Astoria said, slightly fumbling over her words. She was truly shocked. "How did you even know where I was?"

"It took a bit to track you down, but I eventually got where you were through a few mutual friends." Sebastian shrugged.

Astoria raised an eyebrow. "Only Garreth knows where I am." She stated, giving him a stern look. "And he would've never just given my location up, especially to you." Garreth and Sebastian always had a bit of a rivalry, although they were friends, but Astoria knew Garreth would be one of the last people to work with Sebastian willingly if it was over her.

Sebastian froze for a second, his eyes widening slightly. "I- uh, it took a bit but I convinced him–." Astoria gave him a deathly look. "Okay fine! I may or may not have had to threaten him a bit to get him to tell me where you were, but I told him it was important and that I had to!"

At least he was being honest. Astoria stood, one hand over the other. "Look, Sebastian. As much as I am thankful you told me about all of this. What am I even supposed to do? This situation seems impossible as ever just as it is, and I'm just a traveler now, not Hogwarts's savior. That's all behind me now, far in the past."

"I have a plan... kind of," Sebastian said. He looked at Astoria's body language, clearly, she was quite distressed and tired. Maybe now wasn't the best time. "But, I'll let you sleep on it. I don't want to pressure you into anything. But just know, Rookwood's followers are close and time isn't on our side."

His body turned toward the front door that was only a few feet away, stepping towards it. Astoria watched as he opened the door, but stopped right before he left. "Goodnight Astoria, I'll see you tomorrow morning once you've made up your mind." These were the only things he spoke before leaving, shutting the door without another word.

Astoria's mind was ablaze, it felt as if every thought was pouring into her head at once. She practically dragged herself upstairs to her bedroom to get some sleep, not thinking she'd even be able to get any after tonight's events. So much had happened in so little time, it didn't even feel real.

The ambiance of the Study had returned to its original state, dark, dull, and quiet. But this time it didn't bring her peace, instead it brought anxiety straight to her heart, feeling as if the floor below her was about to disappear and she would fall into a state of constant nothingness.

Most of her things were packed up. Maybe she would try to leave first thing in the morning before Sebastian could return, Maybe she would cut off all contact with everyone and leave her whole life behind so Rookwood could never find her. In her right mind, Astoria would never run away from a fight, she had won it before, and she could do it again, right? She was just so anxious that her thoughts were practically consuming her with the impulsivity to just leave. And leave everything behind her, never to be seen again.

Sebastian had found his way back to her after all these years and Victor Rookwood had returned and he wanted revenge.

As she laid her head down on her pillow and closed her eyes, her thoughts were filled with everything. It felt like a dramatic symphony was blazing in her ears, never letting her find peace. But alas, after much-uninvited pondering, she finally slipped into a desperate sleep. 

A/n: Rookwoods back... yayyyyyy. WELL SO IS SEBASTIAN SO I AIN'T COMPLAINING. I honestly cant wait to get past these first few chapters because I am suffocating about how rough of a read these chapters are, sorry for making you guys suffer. Thank you for putting up with my horrid writing! 😂❤️

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