Chapter Twenty-Five

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With the new tasks joining into the pile, Astoria had been doing lots of intense thinking about how to approach the situation. Of course, she had to come up with a plan on how to even convince Rookwood in the first place that she could "be on his side" and help him get to the repository if he gave them the cure for Anne.

But one of her slight concerns was how three people were going to go up against an entire organization of people that had just gotten stronger and stronger since the last time they were fought against. Of course, Astoria had confidence that she was going to beat Rookwood but the fear was still in the back of her mind. One more person wouldn't really make a difference unless that person was skilled at causing chaos and mass destruction.

One morning after thinking of it, Astoria started to write a letter to her younger brother Alexander. She knew that even though he was now twenty-two years old, he was still as chaotic and destructive as ever. Sure he never did anything illegal necessarily, but he could still definitely cause some damage. Maybe he could be some help to them.

Need explosives? Got it. Need spells of mass destruction worse than confringo? Got it. Alexander had it all.

Part of the reason why Astoria wasn't so surprised by Sebastian's antics (but still cautioned against it) when she first met him is because she knew Alexander her entire life and got a taste of him and his magical items at home after he went to school. He used everything that wasn't his wand since he didn't want it to be taken away from him by the Ministry. But he definitely got close to it; and to Astoria who had no defense at the time, it made her get frustrated with her little brother a lot.

But as she started to write the letter, she hoped Alexander would get the memo of just how serious this was. She knew she'd have to go back to one of the poacher camps they destroyed to see if any of the owls had stayed lurking around. But getting this letter to Alexander was important.

"Alexander, I know it's been a while but it's your sister.

I know I've been out of touch for the past few months and I'm sorry about that but I have a good reason as to why. Do you remember when I first came to school and those two men were after me along with the goblin Ranrok? Well Victor Rookwood, who was one of them, is still alive. Back in early September, Sebastian found me at Hamilton and informed me. Yes, as unbelievable as that sounds for me to be traveling with my ex-lover, it's true, don't question it.

We've traveled all over the place for the past few months in hopes to find Rookwood and now we have finally come close to his whereabouts. But we need your help, Alexander. The three of us, since Ominis joined us on our journey, aren't enough to take Rookwood down. As much as I hate endorsing your recklessness on the regular, we really need you.

Please Alex, the moment you get this letter, take it into consideration. I'll leave my location on a separate piece of paper that you must burn the moment after you have it memorized on the small chance someone may find it. I am already risking enough to send this letter alone.

Again, I plead that you respond to this letter. With my love,


She ended the letter and quickly folded up the letter and sealed it up. She'd be sure to take it with her later today when they went out scouting in the swamp.

For now, it was still Sebastian and Astoria scouting out the swamp since Ominis wasn't fully healed yet but Astoria claimed he would be good soon enough that he'd be able to come out with them again and they could fully work as a trio again like how it used to be. There had been so many setbacks and problems but they had gotten through all of them, that's the way it was supposed to be.

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