Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The trio made their way back to the abandoned house in the swamp and quickly got inside. Destroying Leon's camp and the adrenaline from all of it already had them on their toes but knowing that Leon had gotten away and they had no idea where he went was making them nervous. If he got back to Rookwood, he could know their location and then he would have an advantage on them. Astoria hoped Alexander would get her letter soon.

Of course, the moment they got back, Astoria sat Sebastian down, still worried about him taking the curse for her.

"I told you, I am fine," Sebastian said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. Although it made him feel a bit smug inside that Astoria was caring so much about him and he definitely never minded having her hands on him when she would check him for injuries.

"You're not fine until I say so," Astoria retorted, furrowing her brows at him. Sebastian chuckled a little bit at her words and at her. This made Astoria roll her eyes back at him and then she finished checking him for injuries, although the curse would not have caused any, Astoria was worried about him because of her feelings for him and she was clearly letting it show.

Ominis broke the childish banter between the two, bringing up something much more serious. "I think we should be worrying more about how Rookwood could possibly have our location now because of that man that got away instead of some non-existent injuries, Astoria." He said, his blank stare off into their direction. Astoria sighed and took her hands off Sebastian's arm and shoulder, nodding her head.

"You're right, sorry. I got ahead of myself." She apologized before looking at Ominis. "We should be worrying about him, whoever he is. Obviously, we know he has no problem casting unforgivables to get what he wants and to get the job done and that makes him more dangerous. But at the same time, I suppose we could go ahead and assume that's most of Rookwood's followers."

Sebastian chuckled a bit, leaning back on the table. He was still feeling smug about the situation earlier. "To be fair, they're all bad people. That's why they're even working for him. Bad people do bad things, like casting unforgivables."

"Oh, you're one to talk," Ominis said, rolling his eyes. Rarely ever did Ominis comment or let alone even bring up the fact that Sebastian had once used unforgivable curses but this time was a little different. "Does that mean you were a bad person?"

Sebastian nodded his head. "Yeah I mean, I guess it does. Or maybe not bad, just misguided." He said with a light chuckle as if this whole ordeal meant nothing to him. "I mean, I wasn't exactly a good person either so maybe there's some middle ground that fifteen-year-old me was on at the time."

"Can we stop talking about past mistakes and focus on the ones in the present?" Astoria asked, cutting the conversation. She didn't really like bringing up the whole 'Sebastian using unforgivable curses' situation that happened over almost ten years ago.

Oh wait, that was ten years ago.

Maybe Astoria stunned herself with that thought because she realized she would be twenty-five in only a month and a half and she was still out here in this horrid swamp that they had arrived at back in late October. Time flew by so fast, it hardly felt like anything. She snapped herself out of her train of thought, although it would remain in the back of her mind for the rest of the day, and continued to speak. "That man got away, which means he's probably going to Rookwood and he could tell them our location. That means we're in a lot more trouble now."

"Does this mean we need to find a new place to stay?" Sebastian asked while leaning back on the table. The thought of having to find somewhere new to stay wasn't exactly ideal since there weren't many places out in a deserted swamp. It was a miracle they had found this house, even if its original purpose was to house criminals.

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