Chapter Five

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Astoria woke to the sound of birds chirping and water from a nearby stream trickling down the rocks strewn across it. She didn't open her eyes, instead, she slightly stretched, moving into a more comfortable position and she felt the faint touch of someone's hand on her waist, also hearing some faint breathing beside her. Her mind was so hazy she didn't react suddenly, instead, she just rolled over on her side.

Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bright light of the sun. When her vision focused she realized that it was Sebastian, his face was just inches from hers.

"GAH!" She shouted, kicking her feet trying to kick away and get up, but in the process she kicked him sharply in the shin, causing his eyes to bolt open. Astoria scrambled up, clutching her hand right over her heart.

"OW! Merlin, huh what's going on!" Sebastian said, groggily. His shin was throbbing from where she had kicked him accidentally, but then that just made him realize she was awake. "Oh shoot!" He stood up quickly, realizing he had fallen asleep.

"Why... in MERLIN'S NAME were you next to me?" Astoria exclaimed, her breathing was still ragged from being surprised like that.

"Look, look it wasn't anything weird!" Sebastian said, putting his arms up in defense. "You were having a nightmare and practically flailing everywhere, I was worried so I went to check on you and ended up falling asleep."

"I don't flail in my sleep," Astoria muttered, crossing her arms and completely skimming over the part where he explained why he was even there.

"Well, you were," Sebastian muttered just the same, dusting off all the dirt that had been scuffed up onto his trousers.

Astoria was about to snap back at him but then stopped. "Wait, you were worried about me?" She asked, tilting her head to the slide slightly.

Sebastian looked confused and slightly dumbfounded. "Yes of course I do–," He scoffed, cutting off his own words. "Good Morning Astoria."

Astoria grumbled something under her breath and started to gather her things. She had no idea what was to come next and only hoped that Sebastian would have more of a plan than just "Get the wand". Rookwood's followers would be close soon and who knows what malicious things they had planned. Astoria only knew that in her heart, she would never give up such power to Rookwood so that he could harm others.

"So... what's next?" Astoria said, her arms behind her back while waiting for Sebastian's response.

"Find the nearest Village with a Floo Flame System so that we can get to Hogsmeade as quickly as possible to talk to Gerbold Ollivander and see what he did with that wand," Sebastian said. "So let's get a move on, shall we?" He gestured to the area in front of him and started to walk, Astoria following right behind him.

"Speaking of the wand, how did Gerbold ever get his hands on such a wand like that?" Sebastian questioned.

"He made it, Professor Fig requested him to do so after I finished the Four Keeper Trials. Hence the name 'The Keepers wand,'. He made it by using the artifacts from each of the Four Pensives." Astoria answered. She cringed at her own mention of Professor Figs' name. He had been her mentor and a father figure to her while in her 5th year, he had done so much to help and protect her but his death had cut all of that short.

Sebastian noticed her sudden mood change. He didn't really know what to do, although he knew Astoria had cared very much for the old Professor, after all, she spent nights crying in his own arms after Professor Figs' death, seeking out any sort of comfort she could get. "Ah, Good old Professor Fig." He said, shaking his head. "He was a good man, good Professor too."

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