The last prank

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"Ok guys, I think we have been playing this a little too long." said Jason
"But why? It's been so much fun!" Cried Leo.

"Well we have been getting into too much trouble for all of this." Raven added

"Like what?" Percy challenged.

"Well we haven't gone to training in 3 days. Chiron is super mad at us and we had had quest given out to young half bloods and when we could have taken it." Annabeth said

"Oh. Well we should end with a mega pranks!" Leo said. There was a protest of no among the group.

"Ok let's start." Percy said. Everyone gathered together and made a big plan in order to keep the memory of the demigods forever.

Everyone left the cabin to get supplies. Leo, Jason and Percy went to the Aphrodite cabin to steal some beauty products, thankfully no one was in the cabin at the time. Raven went to the Big House and took some herbs and potions from Chiron and Annabeth helped mixed together items to create a massive surprise. After an hour everyone met up at Percy's cabin with all the supplies needed.

"Alright boys" Raven said while looking at everyone "It's time to commence prank number 1!"

Jason took Leo and flew him to Nico's cabin and together they swaped out every hair product Nico had and put neon yellow dye in it. They painted the whole room a mix of neon colors which were also glow in the dark. Percy helped paint the room with his liquid powers and wrote on the wall "Death Boy suxx"

"Hey Percy, do you realize you spelled 'sucks' with an x?" Leo pointed out.

"Really!! Stupid brain" Percy mumbled 

"Well you can't change it now. We don't have a lot of time so let's hurry and get out of here."

While the boys finished up the girls started prank number 2.

"Annabeth is this supposed to bubble?" Piper called out

"No... what did you do?!" Annabeth called out

"Nothing Raven and I did exactly what you told us to do! We mixed all the ingredients right so I dont know why this is happening."

"Raven did you put glitter in the mix?"

"..." Raven said nothing but suddenly began to take interest in her shoes.

"RAVEN!!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO!!!" Piper scolded

"But I just wanted to make more of a mess when the explosion happens!"

"Yeah but the content of glitter will make the mix keep bubbling and soon we will have the camp flooded in bubbles!" Annabeth said.

"That's not good.."

"What's not good" Jason said as he walked in the door.

"Well we might have the camp flooded with bubbles in less then an hour." Raven said

The mix started to grow fast and rapidly.

Leo suddenly screamed out "What if we pretend like something has invaded the camp and it was just bubbles!! The bubbles are harmful..... right?"

"Correct" Annabeth said.

"CAN WE DO THAT!!!" Percy shouted

"PLEASE!!!!!!!!" Leo also yelled.

"Fine" Piper agreed. 

The group sprinted out the doors as the bubbles began to fill the cabin.

"SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!" Jason yelled

"RUN!!!" Percy screamed.

Annabeth tripped over a rock and screamed out to Percy "Percy help!!" the mass of bubbles were right by her as Percy sprinted to her side.

"GET UP ANNABETH!!!" Percy screamed at her. Annabeth glared at him and whispered to go along with her plan.

"Save yourself Percy, I can't go on"

"Noooo!!! I wont leave you!"

The bubbles engulfed Annabeth as she screamed in 'pain' and Percy kept screaming her name.

Wow, I'm such a great actor  Percy thought to himself.

"I won't leave you Annabeth!" percy said as he let the bubbles swallow him whole. The campers were going crazy screaming and running away from the bubbles in fear of being swallowed by the bubbles. Some stared in shock that Percy and Annabeth both got swallowed up so easily. Soon all the demigods involved in the prank was in the mass of bubbles. They found each other and huddled up in the center thinking of a way to come back like a boss. Jason had blown the bubbles away while Percy used water to create columns of water intertwined with Leo's fire to surround the demigods. Campers watched intrigued and wondered what was happening. All of the sudden everything disappeared and the demigods stood in the middle in strange poses. Leo screamed out 'Got you' to everyone as they stood in shock of the prank they just preformed. Then Nico screamed and every one ran over to him as he stood in front of his newly painted cabin. Everyone bursted in laughter as Nico turned red in embaressment and anger. He made his way to Percy and slapped him.

"STUPID SEAWEEDBRAIN!!!" he yelled but Percy was still laughing at him.

Chiron trotted over and told the demigods they were banned from pranks forever and had to do camp jobs for 2 months but in the end it was worth it.

~The end~

Hey!!! Sorry I took so long for this ending I hope you guys liked it! I'm going to try and post more stories soon and hopefully they are much better! Until then.....


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