What happpened to Percy?

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Percy pov

I woke up on my bed. my whole body was sore and it had pink stuff all over it. I groaned and sat up. Everyone was sitting in a circle laughing their guys out at something.

"What are you watching?" I asked

"Oh hey Percy!" Leo said like a girl. " We are just watching a video on YouTube"

"Umm can I see?" I asked hoping it wasn't about me, cause I do a LOT of stupid stuff....

I looked at the video. I was me in the Aphrodite cabin getting attacked right before I blacked out.


"Oh calm down seaweed brain! it's not the end of the world!" Annabeth said

"Yes it is!! All the demigods prob saw it and my rep is going to be ruined!"

"Oh be quiet and play! it's your turn" Nico said, which surprised me cause he hasn't said anything yet.

"Ok than... Jason and Leo truth or dare?"

"Dare" they both said

"Ok I dare Jason to fly in the sky and go around new campers then Leo set him on fire while he is still in the air, scaring the campers!!"

"Oh,your an evil little one!" Jason said

"Of course I am!" I beamed.

I followed Jason and Leo outside. Jason flew towards new campers. he talked to them and started fly around.

"Watch this awesomeness guys!" Leo said

He threw a big ball of fire at Jason who screamed and flew into the lake while the campers ran away calling for help.

*** back on the cabin***

Leo pov

"Ok ok! since Jason already went it's my turn..." Leo yelled

"beauty queen, truth or dare?"

"I pick truth" piper said

"Really again! ok tell us if you can date anyone else but Jason who would it be?"

Hey!! so everything about PJO belongs to rick! but Raven will always be mine
So peace out Girl Scout!

READ WAR BETWEEN FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!! It's another story I have. Also I have a weird love story too.

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