who's next?

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JAson pov

Percy finally woke up after passing out.We cleaned him up he was covered in feather,dirt, poop, and was badly injured and cut. He had a broken arm and fractured leg ,looks like Ares got to him. I think zeus electruted him too. We gave him some nectar and ambrosia and he healed quickly.

" ok lets get back to the game!" yelled."Annie, its your turn" if looks could kill i would be dead by now.

"Dont call me Annie, and for that....Grace truth or Dare?" annabeth said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Truth. Im not taking any chances with you...."

"ok, ill take it but i can still be evil..... If you could date any person/ character/ actor/actress/model/ whoever it may be.... but it cannot be Piper."

oh good greif! (A/n lol I was in a Charlie Brown play at my school, I was the awesome ice skater girl, I did all the moves!)
why Annabeth, why!?!

"Umm, it would be..........Alexandra Daddiaro" i said

"Really! and why?" Piper asked, giving me a look.

"uhhh, cause she is pretty" I said sheepishly

"Whatever, your turn Sparky" piper said

"Pipes, truth or dare?"

"Dare, how hard can it be?"

"I dare you to go to your cabin and tell them that they were right and your giving up your looks for the real Aphrodite look, you need a complete makeover!"

"I thought you loved me, for who I am?!?" piper said while pretending to be hurt.

"I do, but you did look nice when you had the Aphrodite blessing..." She punched me in the arm than left to get her makeover

**time lapse**

She came back stunning. he had a white top with a pale pink skirt. Black heels with a black jacket. her hail was curled and she a little makeup on, in other words she was beautiful!


" Ok my turn. Raven truth or dare."piper said


"I dare you to kiss Leo"

"WHAT!!" someone screamed but it wasn't Leo or Raven it was Percy.

"You want her to do what?!? I will not let this happen! she is my little sister, so the answer is no." Percy said stubbornly.

"Essh Percy since when were you my mom?" Raven said coldly

"Ok that's enough, just do the dare." nico said

They kissed and I looked at Percy who was trying really hard not to do anything. they finally finished and we went back to the game.

"MY TURN!!! Leo truth or dare? Raven yelled.

"Dare" he answered with a grin

"I dare you to speak Spanish until your next turn!"

"Esta bein, nico truth or dare?"


"besarias percy?"

"Uh what about percy....." Nico asked with a worried look

"Leo you can translate" piper said

"Ok, would you....."

"WOULD I WHAT!!!!" Nico asked in the verge of killing me

"Kiss percy or have the feeling to or did it.........?" Leo said really quickly.

"Leo Valdez, i am going to tear you apart, than sew you back together than im gonna kill you again and send you to tartarus!!!!" Percy yelled

"Its ok Percy, ill answer the question and then do it myself." that gave me the chills, with Nico and Percy angry it could cause a severe tragity.

"ok, yes i do wanna kiss Percy and i already did it......"

what he already did it!! Percy looked down, his face was red and nico looked paler, if that was possible.

Everyone gasped, we were all shocked when Nico said he kissed Percy. When did this happen? why did this happen?

They thoughts that probably filled everyone's minds.

Percy pov

Oh my gods not again. Everyone is looking at me and Nico.

"CAN YOU STOP STARING AT ME!!" I snapped, normally I don't do this but they are getting in my nerves. I pulled my knees in and put my head on top not looking at anyone.

"Yo- yo- lo siento." Leo said really quietly.

"Oh my gods leo, stop talking in spanish and translate what you just freakin said!" I yelled getting really annoyed and angry now. He flinched as I yelled. I guess when I'm mad I get scary.

"I said sorry" Leo said. " are you still ok to play?"

"Yeah sure whatever." I said

"Ok well Nico it's your turn." Leo said

"Ok Leo truth or dare."


" I dare you to fight an angry Percy, which is now cause he seems pretty po.ed....."

"Really, I guess that's what I get."

Oh yeah it sure is! I got up and went to the arena and everyone followed, even the campers who didn't know why was going on. I must of been mumbling under my breath, like I always do when I'm mad, they probably saw Leo behind me wimp wring like a baby.

I was getting ready while Nico whispered in Leo's ear, Leo turned pale. I wonder what he told him, probably that I'll skewer him

"Bring it on, sea scub!" Leo yelled.

I raised my eyebrow "sea scumb"

"Yeah, cause your just a skinny wimp. you can't touch me, your too weak."

"Weak, did that little *** call me weak!!! oh your going down!!" I yelled.

I charged at him, in a panic he threw fire. I dodged them some burned the haired off my arms but I don't care, I'm beating that kid up. We slashed, hacked, cut, used out powers. People were cheering, taking sides yelling 'team leo', 'kick his butt' 'go Percy'

Than Leo screamed and "exploded."
He was a big ball of fire, the force threw me back, my head hitting the wall. I fought the yellow spots in my eyes. I felt blood tricking down from my head, I was not losing to this wimp. I extinguished him,With water and punched him in the nose and he did the same to me, we both had broken noses than I kick led him where the sun don't shine, he fell over and I punched him. He was begging for mercy.

The crowd was yelling who won, me or Leo. Than he got up and kicked me back. I fell over and punched him in the head he passed out. I got up and everyone was screaming. I walked a couple steps than fell over, blacking out.

Truth or Dare Percy StyleWhere stories live. Discover now