The beast comes out

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Leo Pov

"NOOO, Nico what have you done? Do you know how bad he gets?!?!" I yelled at Nico.

"What? Its funny! Oh and percy you have to fully dress up as her" Nico added

"WHAT!!! Thats even worse!" Annabeth yelled

"Ahh he will be fine! Come on Leo you need to help me with him" Nico said while walking out the door with Percy.

I groaned but followed them into the Aphrodite cabin. We got him a hair growth that made his hair dark long and wavy like a girls. He had a sea green tank top and a pair of ripped shorts that came down over his knee. He had on beidge high heel sneakers and a charm bracelt that turned into riptide, in case there was an emergency. He had shaved all his man hair off and put millions of tissues inside hisshirt for added effect. If I knew he wasnt Percy, I would totally ask him out!

"Ok Perce your done!" Nico sing-said

"Oh My Gods! I look totes fabo!" Percillia said

"Ok save that for later Perce" I said

"Its Percillia to you!" Percillia yelled at me

"Fine Aqua girl!"

We wet back to the cabin and everyone was shocked by Percys apperance.

"You know Percy, you cant kiss me when your Percillia cause its gonna be weird. So our relation is gonna be on hold." Annabeth said

"NO! that is like totes unfair! Nico I like want you to like end this... like Now!' Percillia said annoying everyone.

"Nope!" Nico said popping the "P"

"I Will like totes get you Nico, so you like better watch your back" For being a girl Percy still gave a intimidating glare.

"Ok Percillia its your turn!"

"Ok. Pipes truth or dare?"

"Ummm. dare?" She asked in a question.

"Ok gurrl! I dare you to like put a pund of like ice down your like shirt and give yourself a toothpaste mustache.!"

'OK... thats a weird dare," She put the toothpase on and she made it a swirly one. Then poured the ice in her shirt."


"Nope not until its all melted"

"U-ugh! J-Jason c-come a-and warm m-me u-up!" Piper chattered as Jason gave her a hug.

'Pipes your turn!!!"

"Ok, Raven t or d?"


"If you can change lives with someone in the room who would it be?'


Find out next ch!!! ok so did anyone read Percy's part like a getto person or someone from the 80s? if u did comment WONDER BREAD! if u get the joke let me know too! any requests for T or D let me know!!

Peace out!

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