And the game continues......

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Ok im really sorry for the long update but i ha to rewrite this cause it deleted last time i tried to post, so this might be shorter than the original......SORRY!! (::) my cookie for u guys!


Raven pov

"Ok since everyone did a dare last time the person with the closest number to mine will be the'asker'" I said " Range from 0-10!"

Jason chose 4

Percy chose 6

Annabeth chose 9

Piper chose 3

Leo chose 0

Nico chose 1

MY number was 7, so that means Percy wins!

"Ok who is my victim?" Percy said cracking his neck and knuckles trying to act tough and macho(It didnt work; he hurt himself during the neck crack)

"Annie-beth, truth or dare?"

"Dare water boy"

"Well my smarticle girl, you have to act like a dumb blonde until i say stop"


"Well it looks like Wise girl isnt that wise anymore"

'Ohh! Annie, what is a unicorn" Leo asked

"Well its a mythical creaturee-"

"Annie watch your words!"Percy scolded and Annabeth turned red from anger

"A unicorn is a fluffly and magical animal that poops sparkles! And when it flies it creates a rainbow, but that only happens when its pooping in the air. I LOVE UNICORNS!!!!!" Annabeth yelled at that last part. Everyone was on the floor howling with laughter

"OK My turn!" Annabeth said while twirling a piece of her hair through her fingers. "Percy truth or dare?"

"Dare blondie!"

"I dare you to get a piggyback ride from jason! OHH and Jason has to fly 3 laps around camp!"

"UGH!!" Percy groaned and got on jasons back

Jason pov

Ow, ow, ow and OW!! was all that was going through my head. Percy was screaming his heart out and digging his nails in my back. We finally finished our laps and i hovered over the water

"Jason can we land NooooooooooooW!!!" Pecy never finished cause i threw him off of me and into the lake. HE was flaining his arms and screaming like a little girl. HA HA!

I came back to the cabin to find Percy sitting there with a stern look on his face. They had a video of the whole thing and we were rolling on the floor laughing (except Percy)

"Ok Jason you ask since Percy just did."

"Ok, Nico truth or dare"


"AWW party pooper.Well whats the most embarssing thing thats happened to you.?"

"Uhhh, well my dad and I made a bet and I lost so i had to wear a princess dress for a whole month!" Nico said

"OHH thats bad? What was this bet for?" Leo asked

"If unicorns are real or not"

"So they are?!?!?" Asked Raven

"sadly no.."

"Thats sucks, well your turn"

"OK Percy truth or dare?"

"Dare Death boy!"

"I dare you to act like Pricillia until i say to stop"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone yelled at once, Pricillia was a very scary thing

"Why Nico WHY!!!!" Leo and Raven begged

Well thats the story sorry for the long update again. If you have any truth or dare you want to see let me know cause im running out of ideas..... so Peaceout!!

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