Who are you gonna chose piper?

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Piper pov

Oh my gods! percy is so mean! who else do I chose? If I say percy, annabeth will kill me. if I say Leo, he will be all over me. If I say nico it would be weird. And if I chise so embody better than Jason he would be mad. WHO DO I CHOSE!!! oh I got it!

"Ok I say Jared."

"Who the heck is Jared?" Jason asked

"He's a guy. He is nice, well built, and kinds cute." I said awarkdly.

"Wow sounds like any guy to me." Leo said.

"Oh shut up Valdez! He is my ex boyfriend." I yelled but instantly regretted because a lot of ohhs erupted and Jason flushed.

"Oh do you have a pic of him?" Raven asked



"Um here he is" I showed them the pic and everyone did double takes of him and Jason.

"Wow he is better than you!"

nico said to Jason while laughing.

"Oh shut up, death boy" Jason said while nico have him a death glare.

"Ok my turn, nico truth or dare."


"I dare you to act out how your crush acts and we will try to guess it"

Nico paled. I guess he was embarrassed about his crush.

"Do I have to? " He winned like an baby.

"Unless you want to go and kiss your crush." nicos face paled even more.


He stared making out sword motions, like he was fighting something.

"Um is she a demigod" Annabeth asked

"Yes and no"

Ok that was weird. than he was acting dumb.

"Dumb blonde!!" Leo yelled!

"Dumb but not blonde"

Than he stared making kissy faces like he was making out with someone but nico's face had a scowl on it.

"Um kisses a lot but you don't like it?" I said


Who the heck is it? Than he started making movements with his hand like he was doing tai-chi.

"Is it raven?" Jason asked


Who the heck is it if Raven is the only daughter is Poseidon? The only other is....... Oh my gods!

"Is it percy!?!?" I said quietly.

"Yeah.... but that feeling is gone from Cupid" nico said whole scowling

I looked at percy, he was flushed and looked like he didn't know what just happened.

"I need some air" percy said as he walked out.

A/N I could leave he and have you guys wait, but it's almost christmas so I'll be nice!

Percys pov

"I need air" I said as I left to go to the beach.

what just happened? when Nico was acting out I thought it was Raven but when piper said me and nico said yes, I almost fainted in the spot. Nico had a crush on me... me! of all people. oh my gods what is happening!?

My mind was filled with questions. I felt someone's presence near by.

"Hey percy" someone said.

I turned around and saw Nico.

"Hi" I turned back and sat on a bench staring at the sea. it always made me feel better.

"Look I feel really bad about what happened." nico said

"So you do like me?"

"Yeah, I did when I was younger. after the whole encounter with Cupid I didn't like you that way anymore, but I still want to be friends."

"Yeah that's fine. but I didn't get the point of the kissy faces and you scowling, can you explain?"

"Ok well, you and annabeth are always kissing. for one it's gross and secondly I was jealous with Annabeth--"

"Because she always kissed me and we are dating"

"I guess if you put it that way"

"Than why didn't you tell me earlier, we could of done something--"

I didn't get to finish because nico kissed me. again I almost passed out.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me..... sorry" nico got up to leave but I called him back

"Nico wait. it's ok, it must be hard to deal with this type of stuff. lets just go back to the game"

"Ok thx percy for everything"

Hey! I'm sorry for all this, it's kinda weird but I feel like it should be explained especially from HOH. anyways this is my longest ch yet. PLEASE DONT HATE ME!!! keep reading. Voting, and commenting. let me know of you want anything to happen!

Peace out girl scouts✌️

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