Leo's Revenge

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Leo pov

It was time for my revenge. Piper had caught me dancing in my room. So it was time for my revenge!!!\

"Muhahahah! *Cough Cough* Hahaha!" i yelled out

"LEO WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" annabeth yelled

"nothin" i replied. i got all my supplies ready:

Hair dye- check





I was ready for my prank!!!

*Later that night*

"Yo Princess! I need you out here!" i yelled. once she steps outside my prank will set off.

"what do you-AHHHH!' Piper screamed as she was drenched with water, water mixed with superglue that is.....

'LEO VALDEZ!!!!" she yelled and made her way over to me. She tripped over the wire that i set up and feathers spirt all over her and sticking almost immediately. she cried out in frustration and stormed off to her cabin to probably wash off. Bad mistake! The shampoo and conditioner was filled with hot pink hairdye. As i waited i made a little mini festus then i heard a scream. i smiled and saw Piper come out fuming and her hair was a hot pink! i started laughing uncontrolably!

"Leo!!! how do you get this out?!" She asked dangeerously calm.

"Well there miss pretty little princess! Its permant until i saw so! And its my revenge!!!"

"I will get you!!!"

"well who told you to sneak up on me! Revenge is sooo sweet!

"Mhm! Just you wait leo, just you wait!" Piper said walking away while keeping full eye contact.

How ya like it? sorry for the long update and i hoped you liked it!!

Bai!!! peace out!!

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