The Revenge of Andrew.....

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Andrew pov

Percy was really pushing my buttons. I will so get him back after I turn back into a girl plus I really have to pee and I don't wanna go in this state.

"Oh Andrew truth or dare?" Raven asked me


"Well I dare you to become a girl again.... and..... Change outfits with Drew!"

"Ohhh no!"

"Ohhh yes!!" Percy yelled back to me

"You better watch it before I break up with you....." I said with a deathly glare and he shut up quickly.

I went over to the Aphrodite cabin and talked to Drew

"Hey Drew can I switch clothes with you?"

"Eww no! I'm not wearing that's shizzz"

"Ok than we will do it the hard way"

I lunged at her and pushed her into the bathroom where I took her clothes and gave her mine and I put hers on.

She was wearing floral leggings and a pink tank to match the pink flowers. She had white Toms and an infinity necklace. I gave her my camp tee and Capri jeans. when I left I heard her cursing me but I ignored it.

"Soo percy truth or dare?"

"Ummmm dare?" he questioned me

" I dare you to lick peanut butter off Leo's foot and I have a surprise one too......"

"Ewww noo!!" he yelled

"Come on percy I already got the PB!" Leo said smothering Pb on his foot

"Ew eww eww eww eww EWWWWWW" Percy said while getting down on the floor. I grabbed a camera and started filming it

When he was halfway done, Leo said his foot on fire causing the Pb to burn right when Percy licked it.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!" Percy screamed as he ran for water.

His tongue healed but it was swollen so he talked weird.

"Thhiss Issa bot plool" percy said

"Umm what are you trying to say" I asked innocently

"Yah a Dwark"

"Hahahahahahah!!" all of erupted in laughter while Percy pouted

"Ahhh revenge is sweet!!" I said

Hey sooo in case you were wondering.... percy said " this is not cool" and "your a jerk" try saying it with your younger stuck out and that's how he was talking!!! I hope you all had a blessed Easter and sorry for the long update!

Peace out Girl Scouts!

Truth or Dare Percy Styleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن