Housing an Ex-Criminial; How Bad Can It Be?

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As far as Mari knows, she feels rather conflicted about this situation.

On the one hand, she knows that Bellatrix is innocent throughout everything that has happened in her life. She was forced to kill while being under the influence of some charms.

On the other hand, Bellatrix is the most wanted criminal across Great Britain, and everyone's out there hunting for her. 

Not to mention, things outside haven't been great ever since the whole "Potter-Black" argument.

Oh yeah, she honestly forgot about that.

After Bellatrix decided to stay with them, Katheren and Harry headed to Diagon Alley to find groceries since they let Willow have the day off. (In all fairness, Mari and Shade wanted to stay behind because they wanted to watch TV while explaining to Bella what the machine was.)

However, things didn't go exactly according to plan.

Harry and Katheren saw the Potters, minus Jace, alongside Sirius. They were still trying to get them to come home with "the right people," but they refused. (After all this time, one might think they would give up, but, surprise, surprise, they haven't.)

Long story short, stupid James was about to do very stupidly until Katheren's glare stopped him. 

For some reason, Black and Lupin hugged each other as if Katheren was about to beat them up, which she hadn't done.

As long as they were there, the adults would never think they would see Lupin, not even Black, scared of her.


They don't know except for two traumatized individuals. 

Anyway, things were left the same way after the two left, and Katheren became even more protective of Harry, who, at this point, gave up all hope.

Now, back to Bellatrix.

It turns out that the lady has been through a lot: She had been Criuoc'd multiple times, took place to get the Dark Mark for her sister, wanted to contact her other sister, Andromeda, tried to run away from her marriage but failed, and nearly died because of the torture by her parents. 

The worst part was that it wasn't even most of the stuff.

Mari groaned and decided to make tea for everyone since they became paranoid (for Bellatrix's sake).

Ah, that's right. 

Security escalated since Bellatrix is still a well-known "Death Eather" and "most loyal servant of Voldemort." 

Bullshit, if that's what Mari would call in this situation.

By security, she means that everyone would hide Bellatrix from Lucius since they don't know what he'll do if he discovers her.

On one side, she feels bad about lying. On the other hand, Mari knew that things needed to be quiet, for now, until justice was served after they gathered proof.

That's right; the quad is trying to find evidence of Bellatrix's mind spell so that everyone can see that she was wrongfully a criminal working for the Dark Lord against her will.

Unfortunately, things aren't looking too well; the only way to get the evidence is to get Bellatrix scanned, which is impossible as of right now.

Mari finishes making the tea and practically screams for the others to join.

She didn't like to yell, but since everyone was too busy, sometimes it got tough. 

Everyone came, and Mari could see that things were tiring. 

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