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Mara Alden laid on the floor, her feet kicked up on Enid Sinclair's bed as she stared blankly up at the ceiling. The two had clicked almost instantly when Mara had arrived at Nevermore, and now she almost spent more time in Enid's dorm room than her own.

"I can't wait for my new roomie to get here!" Enid squealed, turning away from her laptop to look at the brunette on her floor, "I'm so lonely".

"What, am I not good enough for you?" Mara asked, lifting her head up and pouting at the girl sitting on the bed.

"Maybe," Enid shrugged, the corners of her mouth quirking up as she fought back a grin.

"You wound me," Mara cried before dramatically flopping back down.

The two girls went quiet as they heard a sharp rapping on the door. They looked over just in time to see Principal Weems walk in, followed by who Mara assumed was the new girl and her parents. Mara quickly picked herself up off the floor and moved to lean against the wall instead, fiddling awkwardly with her hands for a second before shoving them into her pockets. Her gaze came to land on the new girl, taking in her pale skin and black hair formed into two perfect braids. She blinked when the ravenette's eyes locked onto hers before returning the bold stare, only looking away when the girl's father spoke.

"It's so.... Vivid", The man said, grimacing as he looked around Enid's rainbow of a dorm room. Mara glanced at Enid and, seeing the offended look on the girl's face, had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing.

"Howdy roomie!" Enid grinned widely, seemingly unaware of the weird looks the family was giving her.

"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair, your new roommate," Weems cut in, "And this is Mara Alden". The tall woman gestured towards Mara as the girl nodded slightly, letting her gaze drift back over to Wednesday.

"Wednesday? Like the poem?" The brunette asked, tilting her head slightly. The slight look of shock on the ravenette's face was gone so quick that Mara almost missed it. Almost. But what she did miss was the shared look and nod of approval from Wednesday's parents.

"Exactly, Wednesday's child is-"

"Full of woe," Mara jumped in, finishing the mother's thought. Enid sent a confused glance Mara's way before redirecting her focus back to Wednesday.

"Are you feeling ok? You look a bit pale" Enid asked, looking concerned.

"Wednesday always looks half-dead," Wednesday's father said, looking at Enid as if he wasn't sure what to think of her.

"Oh," Enid pulled a face before stepping forwards and opening her arms to hug Wednesday. "Welcome to Ophelia Hall!". Seeing Wednesday glare at the girl and take a step back, Mara leaned forward and grabbed Enid's collar, pulling her back to stand beside her.

"I don't think she's a hugger," Mara hissed. The blonde grumbled and kicked Mara's shin, but she didn't try to hug the ravenette again, which Mara took as a win.

"Please excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to color," Her mother said after seeing Enid's reaction.

"Oh wow, what happens to you?" Enid asked as her eyes widened in shock.

"I break out in hives and then the flesh peels off my bones," Wednesday deadpanned.

"Woah, cool," Mara remarked, pausing for a second before shrugging. "I don't know though, there's better ways to die." Mara felt her cheeks heat up and she shifted her weight as Wednesday's cold gaze fell on her.

Wednesday examined Mara for the first time, her sharp eyes taking note of the red dusting the taller girl's cheeks. Mara grew uncomfortable under the ravenette's close scrutiny and averted her gaze. Wednesday's eyes, however, showed her satisfaction in making the girl uncomfortable before quickly returning to her normal deadpan stare.

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