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Mara was sitting cross-legged on the ground with her headphones on and 505 by Arctic Monkeys playing in her ears as she painted the canoe for the Poe Cup.

Wednesday watched from a distance as Enid paced around the canoe, calling out suggestions and telling Mara and Yoko what they needed to fix. She wasn't paying much attention to Enid though, her focus rested on a certain witch. She admired how focused the girl was. The way her tongue stuck out of the corner of her mouth slightly. The way her left eyebrow quirked up almost unnoticeably whenever she made a mistake. The paint smudged on her face and hands.

Wait. Why was she paying so much attention to Mara? She just respected how focused she was, right? Wednesday shook off her thoughts and returned to her normal deadpan state before walking over to talk to Mara and Enid.

Enid was standing behind Mara, who had just taken her headphones off, while critiquing her work.

"ExcUSE ME? My teeth look perfect thank you very much," Mara said indignantly as she crossed her arms and leaned back on Enid's legs, looking up at her with a fake glare. Enid smirked and stepped backwards, making Mara fall on the ground.

"hEY!" Mara said from her position on the ground as Enid laughed, "Bitch".

"You need to take this seriously Mara," Enid said, starting to pace again, "If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!"

"I would pay money to see that," Wednesday said as she walked up to the girls, looking at Mara who was sprawled out on the ground in front of her.

"Oh hey Wens!" Mara said with a smile, staring up at the ravenette. Wednesday nodded slightly, acknowledging Mara.

"Howdy roomie! I'm so glad you decided to stay!" Enid squealed, clasping her hands together in front of her. Wednesday ignored Enid and glanced down at Mara, wanting to see her reaction.

"Yeah, we would've missed you," Mara said, still laying on the ground and smiling up at Wednesday. Mara shifted, moving her body so she could rest her head on Wednesday's feet.

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game," Wednesday responded to Enid's question while looking down at Mara.

"You mean Rowan?" Enid asked skeptically as Wednesday's head snapped up as her gaze landed on Enid.

"I witnessed his murder, Enid."

"Yeah Enid, I was there too, I literally have the scars to prove it" Mara said, backing Wednesday up as she gestured to the cut still evident on her forehead. "I know he's dead. Y'know, considering I literally watched him get ripped apart", Mara joked half-heartedly, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's just, we all saw him this morning," Enid said hesitantly, "Very much, like, not dead". Enid looked down at Mara and smiled knowingly when she saw the brunette still staring up at Wednesday.

"I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind," The ravenette deadpanned, her gaze flicking back to the girl laying on her feet before she forced her head back up. She didn't know why her eyes kept traveling back to Mara, seemingly on their own, but she needed to stop it.

"Lemme guess, not nearly as fun as you thought it would be?" Mara asked, causing the corner of Wednesday's mouth to quirk upwards amusedly. Mara felt her stomach flutter when she saw the ravenettes smirk. She began smiling unconsciously as she continued staring up at Wednesday.

"Not nearly," She responded, forcing her face back to its normal deadpan expression. Mara nodded, at least as much as she could while laying on Wednesday's feet before zoning out slightly. Yoko watched with knowing smirk as Mara continued smiling slightly as she absent-mindedly tapped the beat of the song that was stuck in her head on Wednesday's ankles.

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