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"Tyler, the hell's going on in here?" Sheriff Galpin asked as he walked into the cafe, taking in the scene in front of him.

"They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place," Tyler said, motioning to Mara and Wednesday.

"This little thing took down three boys?" The sheriff asked, completely ignoring Mara.

"Hey, I'm here too y'know," Mara said indignantly, stepping out from behind Wednesday.

"Did you help her?" Sheriff Galpin asked Tyler, once again ignoring Mara.

"I did," Mara protested before Wednesday elbowed her.

"Apologies, Sheriff," Weems said, walking in and smiling at Wednesday. Mara groaned when she saw the taller woman.

"There goes your escape plan," Mara whispered to Wednesday, earning a glare from the ravenette.

"These ones slipped away from me," Weems continued, "Miss Addams, Miss Alden, time to go,"

"Wait a minute, hang on," Sheriff Galpin held out his hand, looking at Wednesday suspiciously.

"Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" The sheriff glared at the girl when she nodded, "That man belongs behind bars for murder."

"Guessin' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," He continued after a pause, "I'm gonna keep my eye on you."

"Okay," Weems said, quickly ushering Mara and Wednesday out of the door and into the car.

*•.¸♡ ----------------------------- ♡¸.•*

"Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar," Weems scolded, "Wish I could say I was surprised."

"And as for you, you're lucky he didn't seem to notice you," Weems said, turning to face Mara.

"Hey, being neglected and overlooked has its perks sometimes," Mara joked while shrugging, seeming not to notice the concerned looks that Weems and Wednesday had shot her.

"What did he mean about my father?" Wednesday turned and asked Weems as Mara yawned, putting her headphones on and turning the music up. Deciding to take a risk, Mara leaned over and rested her head lightly on the ravenette's shoulder, closing her eyes. When Wednesday didn't push Mara away or seem uncomfortable, Mara let her head rest fully on her shoulder. Wednesday glanced over at the girl, furrowing her eyebrows as her stomach began to feel as if thousands of spiders were crawling around in it. She didn't know what Mara was doing to her, but she didn't think she hated it.

"No idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends," Weems' voice snapped Wednesday out of the slight trance that she'd been in while looking at Mara.

"I have," Wednesday interrupted in an attempt to get Weems to leave her alone, subconsciously relaxing her shoulders as Mara rested on it. Principal Weems looked at the two girls through her rearview mirror and smiled.

"It seems you have, Miss Addams," Weems nodded as Wednesday glared at her. Wednesday wasn't even quite sure why she had called Mara a friend, she didn't consider Mara a friend, did she? She'd only just met the Alden girl, yet for some reason, she intrigued her.

Mara smiled when she had felt Wednesday place her hand on hers. She was honestly surprised that the shorter girl had even let her lean on her shoulder, she didn't think she loved physical touch that much.

Feeling confident, Mara flipped her hand over and held it open, letting Wednesday's cold hand rest in her own. As oddly comforting as the ravenette's touch was, Mara made no move to hold her hand, not wanting to push Wednesday too far. Wednesday stiffened as Mara moved her hand before relaxing into the brunette's warm touch and letting her hand rest on Mara's.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕀𝕥   || Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now